Microsoft Windows 7 And Windows Thesis

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Having a more streamlined kernel is also going to give the user interface greater speed and ability to respond to more complex imaging tasks. As a result, Microsoft is planning to have Tablet PC technology and touch-screen support on all versions of Windows 7 in addition to support for role-based access and authentication, a key feature enterprise accounts have wanted. The Windows 7 operating system will also support more advanced TCP/IP variations than Windows Vista, with a HomeGroup command that allows laptops to connect with shared data at corporate offices. It is evident that Microsoft intends for Windows 7 to be an enterprise-ready operating system for large businesses that have standardized on their operating system for the last decade or longer. Windows 7 will also support expanded multimedia functionality and applications still in the beta testing phase, as Microsoft is working through the...


The streamlined APIs and kernel-bypass for media rich content is also intentional in the Windows 7 architecture, which further differentiates it from Windows Vista.
In summary, Windows 7 is a completely different generation of operating system, fulfilling the requests of enterprise accounts Microsoft needs to retain to keep their core software business profitable. The differences in both operating systems emanate from the kernel level, impacting each specific functional level and feature from that point forward.


Yardena Arar (2008, December). Microsoft Sets the Stage for Windows 7. PC World, 26(12), 16-18. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1602259561).

Tom Spring (2008, December). Leaner Windows 7 Will Let You Add Features a la Carte. PC World, 26(12),…

Sources Used in Documents:


Yardena Arar (2008, December). Microsoft Sets the Stage for Windows 7. PC World, 26(12), 16-18. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1602259561).

Tom Spring (2008, December). Leaner Windows 7 Will Let You Add Features a la Carte. PC World, 26(12), 18. Retrieved December 1, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry database. (Document ID: 1602259571).

Comparing Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Vista

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