Persistent Textual Interruptions, These Constant Essay

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¶ … persistent textual interruptions, these constant explanation gaps, I found myself frustrated, disoriented, and insecure. I began to almost feel the sensations of the ghetto that Wiesel likely intended to convey to the readers. His deliberate attempt to never let Night become a "tale" or "allegory" or "message to the people," seen by his literal halting of his narration when it became too didactic or lucid, reflects a way of narration that was new to me while reading. The book's purposeful disjointedness, bold willingness to present truth without answers, and honest depiction of suffering, survival, failure and success without full understanding has changed how I go about my life.

"Night" has changed my outlook on life by giving me a model by which to live. After reading the book, Wiesel's message and its delivery method have inspired me to gain the confidence, push, and latitude to liberate myself and pursue both my academic and personal passions in a way that is appropriate for me. Wiesel's testimony to survival and honesty has communicated to me that no matter how difficult a situation may seem, one can achieve unequaled success in life by doing what many are too afraid to do: follow instinct despite conventional thought. By embracing the absence of easy solutions and finding new, more candid, meaningful ways to carry out dreams, "Night" has made me realize that I know what I want in life and only I can make it happen. While I may not currently know how I will reach these goals, Wiesel's book has given me the emotional space and intellectual independence to discover the solution through my own non-linear means. "Night" is an inspiring book that has taught me to track our personalized path and discover the truths and realizations that are present in the least likely places.

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