Personal Statement We Never Know Term Paper

Becoming a physician's assistant was not an easy decision. I knew that the work would cut into my social life and take up most of my free time. I knew that I would have many sleepless nights as I balanced my studies with my job. However, the more I delved into the actual work of being a physician's assistant, the more I wanted to succeed. My accomplishments pale in comparison with the heroes with whom I work. In fact, I would not have been able to help that...


With their aid and instruction, I have been able to offer assistance to doctors during the course of their daily work, helping their patients feel comfortable and helping the doctors and nurses perform their jobs with more efficiency. I have performed mundane tasks with enthusiasm because I know that even simple office work like keeping patient files organized, is an enormous responsibility. I am honored to be a physician's assistant and am grateful to receive this award. I hope to continue contributing to the physician's community.

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