Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Outline


Gun Control Laws Outline

Thesis: Gun control laws should be legalized because they could reduce gun deaths, prevent people from using them to harm themselves, and they are fundamentally weapons for murder.

I. It could reduce gun deaths

A. Guilt

1. Emotional trauma leading to accidental shootings.

2. Impulsive decisions during heated arguments.

3. Children's access to unsecured firearms.

B. Depression

4. Easy access to guns can escalate depressive episodes.

5. Gun presence can deter seeking professional help.

C. Counseling/Medication

6. Early intervention can prevent gun-related incidents (Swanson et al., 2015).

7. Medication can stabilize moods, reducing gun violence risks.

8. Counseling offers coping mechanisms, reducing reliance on firearms.

II. It could prevent people who want to use them to harm themselves

A. Infection

1. Infections from gunshot wounds can lead to long-term complications.

2. Medical costs and prolonged suffering (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013).

B. Sterility

3. Gunshot wounds can lead to reproductive health issues.

4. Emotional trauma from potential sterility.

C. Death

5. High fatality rate from self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

6. Irreversible decision during temporary distress.

III. They are weapons for murder

A. Life begins at conception

1. Guns end potential lives prematurely.

2. The moral implications of taking a life.

B. Biblical views on life

3. Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill."

4. Sanctity and value of every life.

C. Societys view on life

5. The collective grief after mass shootings.

6. The value of life in societal norms.

IV. Counter Argument

A. Second Amendment rights

1. Constitutional right to bear arms.

2. Self-defense argument.

3. Potential governmental tyranny.

B. Guns don't kill, people do

4. The role of individual responsibility.

5. The need for better mental health support.

6. Addressing root causes of violence.

C. Economic implications

7. The gun industry's role in the economy.

8. Job losses from stricter gun control.

9. Potential rise in illegal arms trade.

Conclusion: Reiterate the need for gun control laws, the potential benefits, and addressing counterarguments. Emphasize the value of life and societal responsibility.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Injury prevention & control: Data &

statistics (WISQARS). Retrieved from

Swanson, J. W., McGinty, E. E., Fazel, S., & Mays, V. M. (2015). Mental illness and reduction

of gun violence and suicide: bringing epidemiologic research to policy. Annals of epidemiology, 25(5), 366-376.

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