Reaching Climate Change Legislation In Term Paper

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Other perspectives, such as the realist perspective, find that the threats posed by climate change are still uncertain and largely unsubstantiated, and other factors such as the global geopolitical situation also lead them to believe that now is not the time to pursue major hanges in energy production or industry. As international cooperation becomes more and more difficult, it will also become more difficult for to agree on international climate change regulations and rules, let alone enforce them, making an establishments of these rules now premature and effectively useless, according to this view. The fact that this perspective persist in many...


Carbon trading has failed as a voluntary enterprise, and the businesses and regions that have banded together in attempts to voluntarily cut emissions both create greater uncertainty and make federal mandates less likely, as individual companies can be used as examples that such legislation is not needed. While it is likely that some legislation will eventually be passed, realistic solutions to the problem might be more difficult to…

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