Relational Aggression And Online Behavior Term Paper


Hypothetical Qualitative Study: Communication Studies Phenomenon under investigation 'Relational aggression' is often defined as a distinct phenomenon from overt aggression. It is "a form of covert bullying…a psychological and emotional form of abuse. It involves the specific use of relationships to hurt another, and is characterized by gossip, teasing, slander and exclusion" (What is relational aggression, 2014, Relational Aggression). It is often thought of as a specifically female phenomenon, given the subtlety with which it is deployed. "Due to its covert nature, relational aggression often occurs under the radar of authority figures, such as teachers or bosses, or people to whom the aggressor wants to make a good impression" (What is relational aggression, 2014, Relational Aggression).

What makes this issue important?

Bullying has been shown to have extreme negative psychological consequences for the bullied individual that can extend well after the bullying takes place. Being able to monitor for relational aggression is essential to stopping the process, given the extent to which it is allowed to 'fly under the radar.'

Literature review

According to Ostrov (2013) "relational aggression exists in early childhood and is easily observed by teachers and research assistants." Media exposure which showed forms of relational victimization increased the phenomenon in children in the age 3-to-5 category. "Rates of relational (but not physical) aggression increased in preschool children that were relationally victimized, whereas rates of physical (but not relational) aggression increased in children that were physically victimized" (Ostrov 2013). In fact, even programs designed to teach children not to be relationally aggressive often had the...


There was a "positive association between educational media exposure…and future relational aggression…. [Children] were not connecting this problematic behavior with the conflict resolution skills that were introduced at the end of the program" (Ostrov 2013). Unlike more aggressive forms of bullying, however, relational aggression does not abate with age and persists well into college age, as revealed in a recent study of interviews of college women which "revealed that relationally aggressive episodes involved small groups of women, took on common forms, included key content issues, occurred through face-to-face and mediated communication, and were managed in limited ways" (Miller-Ott & Kelly 2013).
The Internet has opened up new ways for relational aggression to be displayed. This raises the question if the Internet has made relational aggression more common not only amongst girls where it has traditionally been thought to occur but also amongst boys. This paper will examine the extent to which communicating relational aggression is expressed by both genders via the expanding venue of social media and if gender differences between types of bullying are collapsing as a result. This study will focus on high school students, given that by this age most students have some access to online communication on a consistent basis and this communication media defines as substantial portion of their social interactions

Research questions

To what extent has online relational bullying increased amongst high school age students?

To what extent does relational bullying remain a female phenomenon?

Research method

Since this is an exploratory study, a phenomenological method will be used. "Phenomenology is…

Sources Used in Documents:


Lester, S. (1999). An introduction to phenomenological research. Taunton UK, Stan Lester

Developments. Retrieved from:

Miller-Ott, A.E. & Kelly, L. (2014). Communication of female relational aggression in the college environment. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 14 (1).

DOI: 10.1080/17459435.2013.835338

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