Roman Propaganda Term Paper


Roman Propaganda Although propaganda seems the stuff of the modern media age, the ancient world was equally as savvy at influencing the public as today. For example, the Romans were inundated with propaganda. Any strong civilization with centralized authority must use propaganda to control and influence its citizens. Propaganda dramatically shapes the ways citizens feel about their culture and can either create or destroy whole governments. The main difference between ancient and modern propaganda is the media and mode of delivery: whereas now the television and Internet are at people's disposal, the Romans had to resort to less instant means of disseminating propaganda. One of the ways the Roman rulers influenced their citizens was through the minting of special coins that imparted mythic tales or images of Roman rulers. By linking their names to gods or mythic heroes, Roman rulers could establish their authority and secure a clear mandate among the people....


Moreover, imagery on coins automatically becomes as powerful as the currency itself.
There is not much difference between an Emperor on an ancient coin and a president on a dollar bill. Modern propaganda has therefore changed little since ancient times. Also, both Americans and ancient Romans created intricate and compelling mythologies. The Romans tried to link the creation of their empire with the story of Romulus and Reums, for instance, and also tried to associate the emperor with various gods.

Similarly, the Americans have created a mythic history, beginning with the way Christopher Columbus "discovered" America, the way the Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock, and the whole concept of Manifest Destiny. In fact, the American mythology is as romantic as any other culture in history. School children are taught a version of history that glorifies the position of the United States in the same way that Roman citizens were taught from a…

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"Roman Propaganda" (2005, September 24) Retrieved April 25, 2024, from

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"Roman Propaganda", 24 September 2005, Accessed.25 April. 2024,

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