Senior Management And Database Research Paper

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SDLC for Databases System Development Lifecycle for Database Development

The Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC)'s eight phases of development begin with an analysis of the users' environment, followed by the development of logical models to represent the data structures. This is followed by the selection of a database management system (DBMS), and the mapping of the logical model of the application to the DBMS. Next the physical mode is developed and evaluated, then tested and tuned until the final system is ready for testing.

Applying the SDLC Model to Database Development

The defining of schema and data structures throughout a database will determine how effectively the completed application will meet the original design requirements. The schema need to predicated...


Louis, 2003). The development of the logical model is often a highly iterative and collaborative process that takes into account process and system integration points throughout an enterprise. It is also a phase of development that is most attuned to the changing requirements of the user base over time, as this phase must also take into account user requirements and the broader adoption level goals and objectives (Chenoweth, Schuff, St. Louis, 2003). Databases vary significantly in terms of their level of usability and the extent to which their data models align to the specific requirements of a given business process or workflow area as well. The best designed databases have specifically been created to streamline and add significant value to a given series…

Sources Used in Documents:


Chenoweth, T., Schuff, D., & Robert St. Louis. (2003). A method for developing dimensional data marts. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 46(12), 93-98.

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