Teaching Can At Risk Student Research Paper


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Educational institutions are teaching subjects for a digital future but it is from a superficial manner however students need a deeper knowledge of it as a curriculum. When teaching students about math, it should be integrated in all subjects they are learning by being motivated by educators (Singhal, 1997). As shown in the examined scenario planning with an elementary school, it is apparent things became better for the students as far as the educational resources, and environment, which ultimately affects the learning process. Educational institutions must engage partnerships with other schools around the world. By providing student exchanges they will produce world class students, the internet is facilitating the process of globalization and providing virtual interaction with others. As it is shown in schools, technology is the key to change the educational environment and resources. The internet is encouraging students to engage in meaningful cross cultural dialogue and mutual learning about how issues of race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, social class, and age influence the interaction of different cultures living together (Black).

In order to teach math to at risk students who require more one on one learning or could benefit from it, the teacher should use the following technologies

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) use in education have addressed aspects of context in language learning and teaching, including technologies. The occurrence of social interactions in learning needs to be understood in relation to the broad cultural and social contexts shaping situations (Shin, 2006).

However, as shown in the scenario planning for schools, the class faced problems in securing a place in the classroom to feel comfortable to learn considering they are also struggling with behavioral issues (Witt & Mossler, 2010). While at risk students tried to find a comfort zone in the classroom, the teacher found that most of the students were comfortable communicating with family members and friends via e-mail, and that many of them had had online chatting experiences. He suggested that online chatting through a free instant messaging tool would help solve the problem of arranging a physical space for extracurricular social gatherings. Since there will be at risk students, the teachers must monitor the internet usage so that it can be a safe learning environment. This must be emphasized to teachers and parents so that this can be approved for the curriculum. Through research, it has shown that students liked the idea of getting together in a virtual space. For CMC meetings, the participants used MSN Instant Messenger™, a free CMC tool for those who subscribe to MSN or Hotmail (Shin 2006).

With the scenario planning for elementary schools, it has become clear that technology was the best solution help the educational process. Therefore, the Internet is gaining popularity in being used as an educational tool, which should be a part of an English curriculum. Students will need to learn how to deal with large amounts of information and be able to communicate across languages and cultures. From there, teachers are no longer the only source of information so that students can actively interpret and organize the information they are given, fitting it into prior knowledge.

"According to Damico (1989), social learning factors affect the at-risk student's desires to remain in school. These factors include the at-risk student's determination to succeed, the student's relationship with his or her teachers, and extracurricular activities in which the student participated. at-risk students who had good social support, both from within and from without school, showed interest in remaining in school. This is supported by Ainley, Foreman, & Sheret (1991) who mentioned that successful educational experiences and a positive view of the school assisted at-risk students to remain in school. A study regarding the reasons why at-risk students remain in school was performed by Power (1984). This study found that the at-risk student's individual achievement level and academic performance was directly related to the student's decision to remain in school. Additional studies found that achievement and satisfaction with school had a significant impact on at-risk students' decisions to remain in school (Ainley, 1994; Ainley & Sheret, 1992; McMillan & Reed, 1993; Rosier, 1978; Williams, Clancy, Batten, & Girling-Butcher, 1980)" (Cardon, 2004).


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I have learned some strategies for teaching at risk students math through digital design include the communities in which their schools are situated. Teachers who favor a social justice agenda see schooling as crucial for creating a more just society. Therefore, education should include partnerships between schools of education and community organizations so that teachers are prepared handle diversity in their classrooms. I also learned about social support for students. Educators should involve the students' parents to help the barriers so that the child can learn effectively and comfortably. Knowing that they have their parents support, they learn with confidence from effective teaching due to the fact they feel like they have a comfort zone when family is around. When parents are involved, children feel that they have their acceptance to learn, which ultimately leads to a sense of security in the classrooms so that their personalities can develop effectively.

In today's modern society, children deal with the issue from home. Unfortunately, when this occurs, destructive aggression may appear in the classroom. From there, a child's learning to read is affected by the distraction of by being overlooked at home by a parent or both parents, which could also lead to behavioral issues. Some parents are often preoccupied with the divorce to even give their children the time and attention that they require for school and home life. It is obvious that the solution is get the parents involved in the digital design curriculum.

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