Using Technology To Empower Students Essay


Conquering Technology Challenges

As an educator, I am constantly looking for and at new ways to use technology to empower my students so that they can take ownership of their learning. The integration of technology in the classroom offers immense potential for boosting student engagement and dedication, while also supporting a more personalized learning experience for each student. Thus, there is a lot that can be achieved with new technology. However, these developments are not without their challenges.

One significant obstacle in this practice is the varying levels of access to technology among students. In my experience, not all students have equal access to devices or reliable internet at home, which can hinder their ability to engage with digital learning tools outside the classroom. This disparity often reflects broader socio-economic inequalities and poses a challenge to creating an equitable learning environment.

Another challenge is maintaining student engagement with educational technology, especially when they are accustomed to more entertaining and interactive technology in their personal lives (Mingle, 2018). To address this, I strive to select and use educational technologies that are not only informative but also interactive and engaging. This involves incorporating elements of gamification, interactive content, and...…I collaborated with the IT department to establish a regular maintenance schedule and trained myself and other teachers on basic troubleshooting techniques. This proactive approach significantly reduced downtime and ensured that the technology was consistently available for instructional use. The effectiveness of this solution was evident in the smoother running of classes and the increased usage of the interactive whiteboard in lessons, enhancing student engagement and participation.


Overall, technology integration in education presents various challenges, but it also offers significant opportunities for enhancing learning experiences. I believe we can address these challenges head-on. Also, if we adapt our strategies over time, we…

Sources Used in Documents:


Derban, E., & O’Neill, D. K. (2018). Technology disruptions and elementary teachers' problem

solving in an urban Canadian district: A case study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 50(4), 365-383.

Mingle, T. (2018, November 29). 3 Issues in Technology Integration in the Classroom [Video].


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