Time Management Is A Not Term Paper


Time Management skills are not specialized or exclusive to a certain group, instead every single person needs to acquire them in order to make themselves more productive and to get more out of their day. You may not read it anywhere but time management is closely connected with sense of achievement and success, which further boosts your self-confidence and makes a more effective person, student, and employee on the whole. This is my personal experience and I know how time management has helped me get more done and how this has led to success in various ways. There is a simple Pareto Principle very famous for its advocacy of time management. This principle states that 80% of work can be done with 20% of effort so if we apply 80% of effort, imagine what we can achieve. In fact I am so sure of the effectiveness of time management skills when learned properly and applied that I feel every student must attend a time management course when they start their college. It should be made a mandatory course because not everyone has the same drive to get things done on time but almost every single person wishes they were more effective and productive. For those of us who were not naturally driven to manage time,...


Either they find the task unpleasant or simply overwhelming. In both cases, what we need to remember is that this task just has to be done so why not get it out of our way sooner than later. With this in mind, it is important to break down the task into simple steps and accomplish it one at a time. Similarly the unpleasantness of the task can be overlooked if we focus on what we can achieve once it is over and done with.
In the end we must remember that days and months fly by us so fast that we are usually left wondering where all those years went. In order to make sure they left us with something important, it is critical that we put something into them. And what are years, they are made up of days-days that we normally fail to see beyond because of their sheer number. However once we realize that each day contributes to a year and each year to a lifetime, we will be in a better position to understand why it is important to make each moment count. And that's when time management skills become a priceless asset.

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