Treating Cancer And Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Rituxan Case Study


Pharmacology The drug that is chosen for this paper is Rituxan (Rituximab), which is prescribed for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; Rheumatoid arthritis; and chronic lymphocytic leukemia ( This is a drug that comes with stern warnings of dangerous reactions, including serious infections, heart problems, kidney problems, stomach and serious bowel problems, and some side effects "can lead to death" (

Clinical Pharmacology

Under the heading "prescribing directions," the drug company offers "Clinical Pharmacology" -- "Mechanism of Action," "Pharmacodyamics," and Pharmacokinetics"


In patients suffering with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL), tests revealed that when NHL patients were administered Rituxan there was a depletion of "tissue-based B cells." The first study (using 166 patients) showed that "circulating CD 19-positive B cells were depleted" in the first three weeks of the test. And the depletion of B cells continued for 6 to 9 months after the treatment. As to B-cell recovery, 83% of the 166 patients began to experience recovery of B-cells at about 6 months after treatment, and "median B-cell levels" were normal a year after treatment with Rituxan.

Fourteen percent of patients treated with Rituxan had IgM and/or IgG serum levels "below the normal range" from 5 to 11 months after...


lymphocytes"; in fact the majority of patients experienced "near complete depletion (CD 19 counts below the lower limit of quantification, 20 cells/ul") within two weeks following their first dose of Rituxan. For at least six months after receiving the first dose of Rituxan the majority of patients had peripheral B-cell depletions, but about 4% had depletion that lasted more than 3 years. Also, for RA patients they experienced of inflammation markers such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP), among others.

Two hundred and three Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma patients received 375 mg/m2 Rituxan each week for four weeks intravenously -- and Rituxan could be detected in patients' serum up to six months following those intravenous applications. The pharmacokinetic profile of Rituximab when given as 6 infusions (of 375 mg/m2) when combined with 6 cycles of CHOP chemotherapy came out the same as using Rituximab alone.

When 298 NHL patients received 6 infusions of Rituxan (once weekly or once every three weeks) the estimated median terminal elimination half-life was 22 days (the range was from 6.1 days to 52 days). A higher clearance was experienced by patients with higher CD 19-positive cell…

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Works Cited

Genetech. (2012). Your First Course of Treatment. Retrieved May 28, 2015, from

Rituxan. (2013). Highlights of Prescribing Information / Clinical Pharmacology. Retrieved May 28, 2015, from

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"Treating Cancer And Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Rituxan" (2015, May 28) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Treating Cancer And Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Rituxan", 28 May 2015, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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