Rheumatoid Arthritis And Treatment Essay


Rheumatoid Arthritis: Risks/Benefits of Latest Treatments Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a form of arthritis characterized by swelling and tenderness which recent studies have revealed that approximately 1% of grownups suffer from. A common symptom of this disease is symmetric polyarticular inflammation of the synovium, typically of the small joints of the hands (MCP and PIP), wrists and feet. This swelling causes discomfort and difficulty of movement and could result into gradual joint injury characterized by misshapenness and disability. The major compound used in treating this rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is methotrexate. This compound has been used for over 40 years in treating various types of rheumatoid ailments and is still one of the most effective treatment methods for RA. Its combination with modern treatments which tackle the disorders in the immune system, conditions termed as biological DMARDs, have transformed the method of treating RA. This review will give a brief and succinct analysis of the dangers and value of the various therapies for rheumatoid ailments, with emphasis on Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Literature Review

Bird & Littlejohn in 2014 discovered that the earliest documented application of Methotrexate (MTX) was unobserved and overlooked but that was the day MTX started its journey to becoming a widely accepted modern day medication for rheumatic ailments. This journey from obscurity to prominence took MTX the best part of thirty years; however, it finally became the everyday treatment for rheumatic ailments. The exact method MTX employs in healing rheumatic diseases remains a puzzle. The most common belief happens to be that MTX inhibits de novo pyrimidine and purine synthesis, and as a result stops lymphocyte proliferation. Other presumed methods are higher apoptosis of T. cells, modification of manifestation of cellular adhesion molecules, surge in release of the endogenous anti-inflammatory adenosine, drop in expression of cellular adhesion molecules and anti-angiogenesis effects via indirect mechanisms such as disturbance of macrophage interaction (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014)

The effectiveness of MTX in treating RA is undisputed. As well as lessening the signs and symptoms of RA, it also stops the advancement of joint injury, enhances healthy living and reduces death rates. Curiously, combining MTX therapy with anti-TNF substances have been proved to have greater positive effects than applying anti-TNF substances alone. This discovery strengthens the belief that despite new technologies developed to treat RA, MTX still remains an important treatment for a large number of patients (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014).

Certain concerns have been identified over the safety of MTX use in treating rheumatic disease and these concerns are stated below in a risk-benefit analysis method.


Psychological side effects of MTX include...


These secondary effects may regulate treatment acceleration and can be reduced by augmentation with folic acid pills (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014).

The most evident side effects from this group include mucositis, mouth ulceration, nausea and diarrhea. They do not occur frequently due to their prevention by proper use of folic acid supplements and are cured by cutting back or outright stopping of medication (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014)


Weekly usage of small amounts of MTX could have adverse side effects on the liver with reversible transaminase elevation, liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis, the most commonly recorded side effects. In practice, however, reversible transaminase elevation is mostly recorded while fibrosis and cirrhosis are quite rarely seen greatly due to their identified precursors of excess alcohol intake or previous liver ailment. Patients on low dose of MTX are compulsorily monitored for transaminase levels and reduction or termination decisions are made based on the extent of transaminase increase (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014).

Pulmonary Abnormalities

Another very rare side effect (0.08% of treated patients) is lung disease which could occur in patients on either MTX treatments only or on MTX treatments combined with other medications. Other conditions that add to the tendency of MTX-induced lung damage are preexisting interstitial lung diseases (ILD), cigarette smoking, and low body weight (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014).

Small weekly prescriptions of MTX give effective, low-cost and widely accepted treatment for RA. Medical personnel, however, must be well versed on the dangers related to its administration and keep them in check (Bird & Littlejohn, 2014).

In 2011, Fox & Kahlenberg stated that in the past twenty years, the therapy mechanisms for RA have been modernized by new knowledge about the workings of its systemic procedures and the innovation of substances which tackles these procedures. These latest drugs have proved to be very effective in enhancing treatment efficiency but they are also associated with certain secondary effects which could cause lasting therapy problems and complexities when operations are necessary (Kahlenberg & Fox, 2011)

RA is a well-known ailment accustomed to general joint damage and problems resulting to swelling and tenderness. New therapy methods developed based on advanced knowledge of diseases have resulted to massive revolutions in the treatment of this disease. The insistent application of DMARD and biological DMARD treatments have brought about encouraging signs like easier limb use and reduced joint damage.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Berenbaum, F., Chauvin, P., Hudry, C., Philibert, F., Poussiere, M., Chalus, T.,... Saraux, A. (2014). Fears and Beliefs in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis: A Qualitative Study. PLOS One.

Bird, P., & Littlejohn, G. (2014). Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Efficacy and Safety. Journal of Pharmacovigilance, 127.

Kahlenberg, M., & Fox, D. (2011). Advances in the Medical Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hand Clin., 11 -- 20.

Singh, J., Cameron, C., Noorbalochi, S., Cullis, T., Tucker, M., Christensen, R.,... Wells, G. (2015). Risk of serious infection in biological treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet, 258 -- 265.

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