Why I Changed My Career Path Why I Want To Be A Lawyer Term Paper


¶ … trudged through the mud, which caked up around the soles of my new shoes. The uphill climb wasn't strenuous on the legs, but the afternoon sun zapped every last ounce of my already waning energy; I hadn't eaten a thing all day. James, a realtor with whom I worked regularly at Capital Pacific Homes, told me, "You have got to see this place! It'll blow you away!" As James wasn't normally prone to histrionics, I came with him to visit one of the new homes we had recently placed on the market. It figures, I thought, that we would choose one of the most remote spots in the sun- and saguaro-drenched valley to erect another Green Home. I had only been working as Marketing Coordinator with Capital Pacific for a few months when I realized how strong the market demand was for ecologically sound, sustainable building practices. Especially in places like Northern Arizona, where the parched earth belies the absence of natural sources of water, new residents tend to not take for granted the need to conserve energy. Furthermore, the tendency toward libertarianism and self-sufficiency drives many Arizona residents to construct homes that enable them to depend as little as possible on city or state resources. In fact, some of our more radical customers, including the man who designed and commissioned the home James and I were about to see, wanted to live completely "off the grid."

Well? There it is!" James' statement startled me out of my reverie. Before me, the cerulean sky showed off the spectacular lavender-colored mountain backdrop dotted with cactus silhouettes. The partially-unfinished domicile blended in with its surrounds; the ochre-colored wall siding perfectly complemented...


The customer had obviously researched locations thoroughly, as this house sat on a prime piece of real estate. James reminded me that ground water here was quite abundant and pure and that the customer had created an advanced irrigation system for his planned garden as well as a small facility to reclaim water. The solar panels on the roof reflected the sunlight, which from this hilltop felt gentler and less harsh than it had while we trekked up the hill. James led me through the grounds, pointing out this and that about the remarkable, revolutionary construction and design, paying special attention to the means by which the homeowner would harness natural energy rather than relying on the nuclear power plant. The crowning glory for me was the small geodesic dome on the property; perhaps a guest quarters, said James.
While I interned with the EPA, I approached Green Building from an advertiser's perspective, as I got my start in that field. In fact, as I admired the home that James took me to that day, I briefly slipped into advertising mode and envisioned the real estate brochures that would boast the features of this Green Home. However, since working with a real…

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