Forgiveness Essays (Examples)

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Forgiveness and Personality

Forgiveness and Personality
The impact that personality has on the ability to forgive has been a topic of much debate for many years. Many experts believe that certain personality traits can make an individual more susceptible to forgiveness. The purpose of this discussion is to examine whether or not any personality seems to be more forgiving of self and others than other personalities. The investigation will also explore the type of research that has been done and what is currently being studied in this subject area. We will begin our discussion with a brief summary concerning the importance and definition of forgiveness.

Importance of Forgiveness

According to the Journal of Mental Health Counseling, Forgiveness plays an important role in ensuring the mental stability of individuals. The journal reports that people that practice forgivenss are able to improve their well being and have more meaningful interpersonal relationships. Much of the scientific literature pertaining to….

Expressions of the ord living with us, such as that in Luke 23: 34 nourish one's spirit. Jesus' prayer for forgiveness for those who crucified Him mirrors sustenance that fuels healing and love. In His death, Jesus models the way God does things; the way He shows his love; His forgiveness. Grace, God's unmerited favor, extends not only to those who crucified Him centuries ago; it forgives those today who, in spite of their utter unworthiness - trust Him, God's grace and mercy came through Jesus Christ at Calvary, where He prayed the prayer that echoes its power throughout eternity: "…Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…" (Luke 23:34a). This prayer, as the researcher asserted at the start of this paper, serves as the ultimate example of forgiveness, as it portrays God's love, inherent in forgiveness, as serves as a guide for those who follow Christ….

There are situations where the individual does not feel forgiving at any level and where the only real result of any decision or process would lead only to repression of true feelings.
Instead of the author's formulation, I would propose that, subject only to the requirement that the individual actually has a genuine desire to forgive, the road to forgiveness can be through a decision, or through a process, or through a combination of both. It might also be preferable to consider the principal conceptual distinction as being between whether or not the individual can get past the anger instead of whether or not the individual can forgive the person responsible for it. It seems that the author believes that forgiveness is always possible with the right approach. I would argue that (genuine) forgiveness is not necessarily always possible, regardless of what approach is used. In my opinion, forgiveness is….

In your own words, explain the concept of mediation and demonstrate the role a mediator plays in conflict management. In the given scenario above, evaluate and discuss whether a third party should intervene. Explain your response.

Mediation calls for an objective third party to provide a reasonable perspective, a controlling influence and a sense of compromise to an otherwise rancorous situation. ith respect to conflict management, it is incumbent upon the mediator to help conflicting parties come to some level of mutual understanding as well as to arm them with the tools to independently manage conflict more effectively in the future. Certainly, this is a role which would be most welcome in the conflict between Leanne and her mother. Leanne's older sister appears most suited to serve as a conflict mediator here and, in fact, both Leanne and the mother are prone to seeking her ear when venting about one another.


Forgiveness: A perception and motivation study among married adults, Orathinkal, Vanseenwegen and Burggraeve (2008) explore the manifestation and effects of forgiveness in intimate relationships. The paper begins by stressing recent interest among mental health experts in forgiveness. A discussion of related terms such as reconciliation, excuse and exoneration follows. The focus of the paper is on forgiveness for "interpersonal violations" such as physical attack, infidelity and incest. esearch supports that forgiveness leads to marital longevity, closure in episodes of interpersonal violations and helps in relieving stress and self-esteem issues. The study aims to discover perceptions of forgiveness (measured on the Forgiveness Perception and Motivation Checklist) among married adults and whether their perceptions are related to behavior (measured on the Enright Forgiveness Inventory). Differences in the perceptions of forgiveness between first-married (those currently in their first marriage) and remarried (after divorce or separation) adults, and between men and women are….

169). Therefore, given the tight-knit quality of most marital relationships, anything short of absolute forgiveness will inevitably result in harbored resentment, anger and hostility. Some types of offenses are not easily forgiven, of course, and marital infidelity certainly ranks among them, but negative reactions in response to even the most egregious offenses can be forgiven if certain conditions are satisfied. For example, Welton and his associates cite the need for empathy in resolving marital conflicts and report that an individual's level of empathy is a predictor of their ability to forgive. Another attribute, "perspective taking," is similar to empathy but differs in that, "Perspective taking is a cognitive process that involves the imaginative ability to put one's self in the place of another," an attribute that "has long been viewed as critical for effective social interaction" (Welton et al., 2008, p. 169).
Irrespective of their current status, Welton et al.….

These researchers examined the notion of forgiveness in formal therapy in the article entitled, "Positive esponses to Benefit and Harm: Bringing Forgiveness and Gratitude into Cognitive Psychotherapy." I found this article particularly compelling because it demonstrated how scientists and shrinks were turning with more attention to the powerful process of forgiveness and using it in clinical settings and encouraging their patients to use it. For example, "Forgiveness and gratitude represent positive psychological responses to interpersonal harms and benefits that individuals have experienced. In the present article we first provide a brief review of the research that has shown forgiveness and gratitude to be related to various measures of physical and psychological well-being" (Bono et al., 2006). I found it interesting, as forgiveness is something that I mostly view as coming from a strictly religious place. ather, after reading this article, I see that forgiveness comes from a place of….

Forgiveness and Theology

Theology and Spirituality in Counseling
Intervention Studies on Forgiveness

The article Intervention studies on forgiveness: A meta-analysis, addresses the idea of forgiveness from a counseling perspective. Three different types of categories were considered by the authors. These were decision-based interventions, along with two types of process-based interventions. One of those was individual and the other was with groups. There were nine published studies used to gather the data for the article, which equated to 330 participants' information being collected and analyzed. Theories of forgiveness were also reviewed, in an effort to examine why people choose to forgive or not forgive, and how that forgiveness may or may not play into their faith and other types of beliefs. The groups that were studied also included a control group, in order to ensure that the information drawn from the study was truly applicable to more than just the study participants.

The study looked at forgiveness,….

Effect of Forgiveness on Health
PAGES 105 WORDS 28998

forgiveness on human health. In its simplest form, the purpose of the study is to evaluate human psychological stress that might constitute a risk factor for heart disease. Further, the study will also evaluate the impact of forgiveness on heart disease. However, such a simple dissertation clearly demands further definition. What, exactly, do we signify when we speak of heart disease? What is properly considered as forgiveness? What impact does forgiveness has on human psychology? What is psychological and psychosocial aspects of the heart disease, as well as, is there a dependable relationship amid forgiveness and heart disease? Finally, a myriad of questions may be asked about the pathophysiological mechanisms that mediate the relationship between acts of forgiveness and its presumed endpoint, whether it slows down the progression of heart disease or recuperates from the heart attack.
The following thesis has taken assistance from leading scholarly sources in the field, as….

A study conducted by Gambarao in 2002 was conducted "to effect emotional regulation with children," (Knutson 2008:195). Enright's model of forgiveness was found to be incredibly successful in helping children forgive their injurers and move past the harmful injury which could have previous caused them to harbor resentment and affect their adult lives.
However, children are not the only population to have been studied within the context of Enright's forgiveness process model. One of the many empirical studies to use Enright's model was that of Waltman's 2002 study which focused primarily on older adults. Waltman focused on adults who were of middle age or older in order to facilitate real and true forgiveness within adults who were nearing the end of their lives as a way to improve the quality of that remaining existence. This study incorporated forgiveness for a number of assaults which had caused the injured parties to….

The articles point out the need for additional research into the field of forgiveness. Only recently have researchers begun to explore the psychological constructs that contribute to forgiveness.
Much of the research that has been conducted has consisted of relatively small and homogenous population samples, as evidenced from the research conducted above. Each of these articles includes a rather small sample sizes. Hence all of the articles are weak in that they are not generalizable to the population at large. Most of the articles however are strong in that they incorporate quantitative and qualitative analysis of the phenomena of forgiveness and take an empirical approach toward investigating the phenomena of forgiveness.

In the future subsequent reviews should focus on the phenomena of forgiveness using a larger population sample base that includes individuals from varying demographic backgrounds. This will help clarify the research that currently exists on the subject of forgiveness.


Chernoff, M.,….

Church as a Forgiving Community
One Page Summary

The article by Magnuson and Enright points out that "empirical studies" have proven that when a person is forgiven, or honestly seeks forgiveness, this act helps that person's self-esteem and decreases depression, anger, and anxiety. The article goes on to review the history of forgiveness in religion, and it illustrates the benefits of one person forgiving another person. On page 115 the authors are talking about an intervention that is also called restorative justice, where the offender and the victim come together and the offender is able to see and hear how the other was hurt. This is a wonderful model to follow, but the authors understand that if you don't teach children the value of forgiveness, a whole generation of people will not follow this path.

Forgiveness is not going to work until the individual reduced the anger and has "committed to forgive"….

Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness
Even thought it sounds somewhat like a cliche, it is also true that suffering is part of human life. For some, however, suffering is so extreme that little sense can be attached to it, especially while suffering is ongoing. One example of such extreme suffering is that of the Jews at the hands of the Nazi's during World War II. Much has been written and said in response to these events by both Jews and non-Jews. One of the most compelling reflections on the events is Simon Wiesenthal's The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness. The focus point of this book is an event during the author's stay in a Nazi concentration camp. On his way to a work detail, he is taken from the ranks to hear the confession of a dying Nazi soldier. At the end of the narrative,….

Fathers, Son, and Spiritual Doubles:
The relationship of John Ames and Jack Boughton in Marilynne Robinson's novel Gilead

As John Ames, the protagonist of Marilynne Robinson's epistolary novel Gilead, struggles to come to terms with his life, he frequently reflects upon the troubled relationship he had with his close friend and fellow clergy member Rev. Boughton. Ames' first wife died in childbirth and Ames feels a sense of jealousy and sublimated anger towards Jack, Boughton's son and Ames' namesake (Boughton's son has the full name of John Ames "Jack" Boughton). The novel's chronicle of Ames' personal history keeps returning to Boughton until it concludes with Ames finally forgiving Jack, the only man in his life he ever really detested. Robinson said of her novel's religious themes: "The first obligation of religion is to maintain the sense of the value of human beings. If you had to summarize the Old Testament, the summary….

Forgiveness vs Punishment

Ferrari, looked at procrastination on academic tasks by college students, comparing students who attended selective colleges with students who attended nonselective colleges. They found that students in both groups procrastinated but for different reasons. At the selective college, procrastination was tied to dislike for the task. At the nonselective college, students worried about not doing a good job on the assignment and about possible social disapproval. One interesting finding was that the students' definitions of what procrastination varied by school. Students at the more selective college more often described themselves as procrastinators than the students at the non-selective school. The writers speculated that students at the more challenging school might be more likely to start on assignments immediately, and view any delay at all as "procrastination." They suspected that students at the more selective school had a stronger school work ethic.

The authors clearly defined that they were going to….

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

1. The impact of childhood traumas on adult mental health
2. The role of genetics in determining personality traits
3. The effects of social media on self-esteem and body image
4. The psychology of addiction and recovery
5. The relationship between mental health and physical health
6. The influence of gender roles on mental well-being
7. The connection between mindfulness and mental health
8. The psychology of motivation and goal-setting
9. The effects of childhood bullying on long-term mental health
10. The psychology of decision-making and biases in judgment
11. The role of attachment styles in romantic relationships
12. The impact of technology on cognitive development in children
13. The psychology of....

1. The psychological impact of isolation and loneliness in Solaris 1971
2. The role of memory and perception in shaping reality in Solaris 1971
3. The tension between science and emotion in Solaris 1971
4. The exploration of consciousness and identity in Solaris 1971
5. The representation of love and loss in Solaris 1971
6. The implications of human contact with alien life forms in Solaris 1971
7. The themes of grief and guilt in Solaris 1971
8. The significance of the ocean as a symbolic element in Solaris 1971
9. The portrayal of gender roles and relationships in Solaris 1971
10. The philosophical questions raised by the film's....

Certainly! Here are some essay topics related to The Crucible:

1. Discuss the role of hysteria in the witch trials in The Crucible.
2. Explore the theme of reputation in The Crucible.
3. Analyze the character of John Proctor and his struggle with personal integrity in The Crucible.
4. How does Arthur Miller use historical events and characters in The Crucible to comment on the McCarthy era?
5. Discuss the symbolism of the title “The Crucible” in relation to the events of the play.
6. What role do fear and manipulation play in the events of The Crucible?
7. Compare and contrast the characters of Abigail Williams....

14 Pages
Term Paper


Forgiveness and Personality

Words: 4123
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Forgiveness and Personality The impact that personality has on the ability to forgive has been a topic of much debate for many years. Many experts believe that certain personality traits…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Forgiveness of the Gopsel of

Words: 1684
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Expressions of the ord living with us, such as that in Luke 23: 34 nourish one's spirit. Jesus' prayer for forgiveness for those who crucified Him mirrors sustenance…

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4 Pages
Book Report

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Forgiveness Unresolved Conflict as a

Words: 1259
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Report

There are situations where the individual does not feel forgiving at any level and where the only real result of any decision or process would lead only to…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Forgiveness and Conflict Management Explain

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

In your own words, explain the concept of mediation and demonstrate the role a mediator plays in conflict management. In the given scenario above, evaluate and discuss whether a…

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6 Pages
Article Critique


Forgiveness A Perception and Motivation Study Among

Words: 1886
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Forgiveness: A perception and motivation study among married adults, Orathinkal, Vanseenwegen and Burggraeve (2008) explore the manifestation and effects of forgiveness in intimate relationships. The paper begins by…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Forgiveness in the Trenches Empathy

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

169). Therefore, given the tight-knit quality of most marital relationships, anything short of absolute forgiveness will inevitably result in harbored resentment, anger and hostility. Some types of offenses…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Forgiveness A Scholarly Examination in

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

These researchers examined the notion of forgiveness in formal therapy in the article entitled, "Positive esponses to Benefit and Harm: Bringing Forgiveness and Gratitude into Cognitive Psychotherapy." I…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Forgiveness and Theology

Words: 1002
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Theology and Spirituality in Counseling Intervention Studies on Forgiveness The article Intervention studies on forgiveness: A meta-analysis, addresses the idea of forgiveness from a counseling perspective. Three different types of categories…

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105 Pages


Effect of Forgiveness on Health

Words: 28998
Length: 105 Pages
Type: Thesis

forgiveness on human health. In its simplest form, the purpose of the study is to evaluate human psychological stress that might constitute a risk factor for heart disease. Further,…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Enright's Forgiveness Therapy on the

Words: 3580
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A study conducted by Gambarao in 2002 was conducted "to effect emotional regulation with children," (Knutson 2008:195). Enright's model of forgiveness was found to be incredibly successful in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Psychology of Forgiveness Exploratory Analysis

Words: 1538
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The articles point out the need for additional research into the field of forgiveness. Only recently have researchers begun to explore the psychological constructs that contribute to forgiveness. Much…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Mythology - Religion

How to Ask for and Receive Forgiveness

Words: 1157
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Church as a Forgiving Community One Page Summary The article by Magnuson and Enright points out that "empirical studies" have proven that when a person is forgiven, or honestly seeks…

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2 Pages
Book Report

Mythology - Religion

Synopsis of the Book the Sunflower on the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness

Words: 730
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness Even thought it sounds somewhat like a cliche, it is also true that suffering is part of human life. For some, however,…

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5 Pages


Religion and Forgiveness in Robinson S Gilead

Words: 1500
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Fathers, Son, and Spiritual Doubles: The relationship of John Ames and Jack Boughton in Marilynne Robinson's novel Gilead As John Ames, the protagonist of Marilynne Robinson's epistolary novel Gilead, struggles to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Forgiveness vs Punishment

Words: 900
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Procrastination Ferrari, looked at procrastination on academic tasks by college students, comparing students who attended selective colleges with students who attended nonselective colleges. They found that students in both…

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