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ISIS Imminent Threat of Terrorism to America
Pages: 9 Words: 2474

Terrorism: ISIS Imminent Threat to America
The ISIS ("Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham") is an Islamic State of Iraq, simply known as Islamic state. Since 2010, the Islamic group has seized Mosul and is controlling a territory larger than the United Kingdom. The Islamic state is an extremist's militant group proclaimed calipahate led by the Sunni Arabs in Iraq. By March 2015, the ISIS has occupied a territory of more than 10 million people. Apart from controlling some part of Iraq, the ISIS is also controlling Syria and limited territory in Libya and Nigeria. Moreover, the group has affiliates in some other part of the world in the Southeast Asia. Over the years, the United Nations and the United States have held the ISIS responsible for various war crimes, and act of terrorisms. Typically, the United States and more than 60 countries have waged war against the extremist Islamist group.…...



Elliott, P.(2014). U.S. lawmakers warn of ISIS attack on American soil, urge strong response to Islamic terrorists in Iraq. The Associated Press.

Gottlieb, S. (2014).Four Reasons ISIS is a Threat to the American Homeland. The National Interest.

Jeffrey, J.F. (2015). Assessing the Strategic Threat from ISIS. House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Maloof, F.M. (2015). Congressman: U.S. unprepared for 'imminent' ISIS Threat. WND.

Isis a Brief Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Friedman arguing in this piece?
Friedman discusses the Putin decision to set up an air base in Syria's center to fight against the Islamic State, bolstering President Bashar al-Assad and how it completely backfired costing the lives of hundreds of Russians. While force may be what people outside of ISIS controlled areas desire in order to defeat ISIS, using force does more harm than good. This is because the violence or threat of violence generated through these acts makes those that would otherwise be resistant to ISIS more incline to adopt ISIS mentality. For example, the war in Iraq fueled the creation of ISIS versus ceasing the terrorist activity in the country and surrounding territories.

Friedman argues that in order to be effective in curbing terrorist activity and terrorist threats, the EU, America, and Russia must work together to strengthen moderate Sunnis combat abilities and provide support to those in Muslim…...

How Syria and Syrians Are Suffering at the Hands of ISIS
Pages: 12 Words: 786

ISIS Destroying Syria and Syrians Suffering at Their Hands
The Islamic State of Syria (ISIS) is a militia group that has its roots in Iraq and later on expanded its reach out to Syria and is now active much further in different expanses of the Middle East too. The ongoing war between the two Muslim communities, Sunnis and Shiites has largely destroyed the nation of Syria with Syrians being the most affected parties. Sunnis, who constitute the majority of the Muslim communities in the region, insist that their national leader ought to recognized and chosen from the religious leader of Syria. On the other hand, the Shiites who represent the minority contend such assertion and fight to have a leader who belongs to the direct lineage of Prophet Muhammad. At present, Syria has become a multifractured state split between the government administration of President Assad, Kurdish forces who are a minority…...



Beauchamp, Z. (2015). Why people are fleeing Syria: a brief, simple explanation. Vox. Retrieved 28 September, 2015 from: 

Cullinane, S., Alkhshali, H., Tawfeeq, M. (2015).Tracking a trail of historical obliteration: ISIS trumpets destruction of Nimrud. CNN. Retrieved 28 September, 2015 from: 

Semple, K. (2014). Fleeing the Bombs in Aleppo, Syria, and Ending Up in New Jersey. New York Times. Retrieved online from:

Violent Acts of Terror by Islamic State
Pages: 2 Words: 512

Territorial Violence and Control1According to the ACLED (2023) data, the locations of violent acts correspond only for a time to the areas historically controlled by ISIS, particularly during the peak of their territorial influence. This is also consistent with what the Wilson Center (2019) points out. This alignment is not unexpected, as the fight for control of territory by such groups comes with increased violence and conflict within those regions. The data reflects a concentration of violent acts in areas where ISIS wanted control, such as parts of Iraq and Syria, including key cities like Mosul and Raqqa. However, ISIS eventually was pushed back and the nexus of violence seems to have shifted as result (ACLED, 2023; Wilson Center, 2019).2The absence of areas of control maps for ISIS since 2019 could signal a significant reduction in the group's ability to hold and govern territory. This change is indicative of ISIS's…...



ACLED. (2023). Retrieved from 

Wilson Center. (2019). Rise, spread and fall of ISIS. Retrieved from

Osiris Egyptian God Osiris Is
Pages: 7 Words: 2150

'Osiris gardens' - wood-framed barley seedbeds in the shape of the god, were sometimes placed in tombs - and the plants which sprouted from these beds symbolized the resurrection of life after death. (Osiris: Usire)
There is also an interesting parallel between Osiris, as fertility and agriculture god, and the Greek Persephone, an agriculture goddess. (Osiris) This refers to the fact that Both Osiris and Persephone end up in the underworld through treachery and both are kept there by "legal loopholes" in the laws of the gods. Persephone remains in the underworld for half a year because she tasted the food of the dead. Osiris remains in the underworld because Ma'at dictates that the dead, even dead gods may not return to the land of the living. (Osiris)

This could mean that the essential significance of Osiris as a fertility god was carried on in various other cultures and times. Another…...


Works Cited

The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2004. Questia. 28 May 2006 .

Osiris, Asar. May 24, 2006. 

Osiris: King of the dead. May 24, 2006. 

Osiris: Usire. May 24, 2006.

Analyzing Syria Refugee Crisis Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1568

Syria efugee Crisis Analysis

In view of these latest occurrences, the U.S. has been pressured by political entities and the general public to accept more Syrian refugees under its initiative for refugee resettlement. On 10th September, 2015, the U.S. government's executive department announced its plans to accept no less than 10,000 refugees from Syria in the Oct 2015-Sept 2016 financial year. The nation is, at present, reviewing the applications of thousands of refugees from Syria, but as of the 1st of October, 2015, the U.S. had admitted a mere 1,494 individuals since the start of the Syrian Civil War in the year 2011, and has been criticized for its sluggish response. Though neighboring nations granting asylum, wealthy, distant nations like the UK and the U.S., and the WHO (World Health Organization) and other such international agencies/organizations have contributed funds and resources to tackle this refugee issue; the very magnitude of it…...



Cragin, K., & Connable, B. (2015). To Undermine ISIS, We Should Welcome Syrian Refugees. Retrieved May 04, 2016, from 

Cultural Orientation Resource Center (2014). Refugees from SYRIA. Retrieved 5 May 2016 from 

Davies, D. (2015). How to move from theory to practice on Syria's refugee crisis. Retrieved May 07, 2016, from 

Joint Declaration on the current state of refugee policy -- Heinrich Boll Stiftung European Union. (2015). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

How Contextual Theology Applies to the Crisis in Syria
Pages: 5 Words: 1826

Pastoral Theology: Context And Crisis
According to Bevans (2002:4), theology has three sources -- "scripture, tradition and context." What this means is that there are the sacred writings (in Christianity, scripture refers to the Old and New Testaments), the traditions that the religious communities have hallowed over time, and then there is the cultural or regional or social significance -- that which makes the religious community and its theology unique.

In today's crisis-driven world, one can look at the Middle East crisis, and Syria in particular, as an example of contextual theology can tell us much about the situation there as well as about our own situation here many miles away. What is their response, for example, to several nations dropping bombs upon their world? What is our response to their plight and the plight of their neighbors, whether they be Christian, Muslim or Jew? As Boyle (2014:56) states, "the free choice…...



Bernabe, N 2015 Mainstream media finally admits Syrian conflict is U.S.-Russia proxy war, Anti-Media, Accessed on 7 Nov 2015 at 

Bevans, S 2002, Models of Contextual Theology, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

Boyle, N 2010, 2014: How to Survive the Next World Crisis, London: Continuum.

Durden, T 2015 Pentagon: Ready to launch 'boots on the ground' in Syria and Iraq, Zero

Stopping War with other Countries
Pages: 3 Words: 709

Dear President Trump, The current war(s) that the U.S. is presently engaged in (sanctions should be included as economic warfare, which means we are at war with more countries than I can count on my two hands), are a severe drain on the moral energy and financial capital of this great country (Shambaugh, 2016). Why are we wasting so much? And for what?
The ethics of war and the current U.S. responses to terrorism are opposed to one another. I was happy to see that you ended the CIA program of funding rebels in the Middle East (aka terrorists). We need more of that. Yet, your administration now plans to send more troops to Afghanistan. We are still warmongering against Iran. ISIS is really on the ropes only because of Russian and Iranian intervention—and the neoconservatives in Congress still want Assad gone. This is not about terror. After all, our allies (and…...



John Stuart Mill. (2016). Retrieved from  

Overby, P. (2017). Trump’s efforts to ‘drain the swamp’ lagging behind his campaign

rhetoric. NPR. Retrieved from 

Shambaugh, G. (2016). Economic warfare. Retrieved from 

ISIS Attacks in America Essay
Pages: Words: 3702

Table of Contents
I.  Opening
II.  Titles
III.  Related Topics
IV.  Outline
V.  Introduction
VI.  Essay Hook
VII.  Thesis Statement
VIII. Body
A.  Background
B.  Jihad
C.  Sunni/Shia Split
D. Relationship between AL Qaeda and Isis
E. ISIS attacks on the United States
IX.  Conclusion
X.  Works Cited
XI.  Closing


In this essay about ISIS attacks in America, we examine attacks by the terrorist organization ISIS, which have occurred on U.S. soil.  Because of the structure of ISIS/ISIL, which operate in cells, it can be extremely difficult to determine whether a terrorist attack carried out by someone claiming to be working on behalf of ISIS was actually directed by ISIS.  Therefore, for the purposes of this essay, we are working on the assumption that attacks by people who appear to be radicalized Muslims and claim a personal affiliation with ISIS are, indeed, ISIS attacks.  This essay will give some background information on ISIS and explain how it is structured.  It will discuss how ISIS is effectively using…...

How Did ISIS Obtain Its Financing for Terrorism
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

Abu Bakr al-BaghdadiIntroductionAbu Bakr al-Baghdadi, born as Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali Muhammad al-Badri al-Samarrai, was the leader of the extremist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as Daesh, from 2010 until his death in 2019. His leadership over this terrorist group led to the declaration of a caliphate in 2014, which lasted until 2017 when the caliphate\\\'s territory had been mostly recaptured.Background and TrainingAl-Baghdadi was born in 1971 in Samarra, Iraq. He earned a doctoral degree in Islamic studies and history from Saddam University in Baghdad in the late 1990s. His education would significantly shape his fundamentalist view of Islam and his interpretation of jihad, which played into his ideology and the radical worldview he would propagate as leader of ISIS (Cockburn, 2015).In the early 2000s, during the American invasion of Iraq, al-Baghdadi became radicalized. He was captured by US Forces-Iraq in 2004 and detained…...


ReferencesBBC. (2014). Retrieved from Isis leader calls on Muslims to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'build Islamic state\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' - BBC NewsCallimachi, R. (2014). Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror. Retrieved from Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror - The New York Times (, M. (2014). How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s $2bn jihadist network. Retrieved from How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s $2bn jihadist network | Islamic State | The GuardianCockburn, P. (2015). The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution. Verso Books.Samuel-Azran, T., Yarchi, M., Galily, Y., & Tamir, I. (2016). Promoting terror or sport? The case of Qatar’s international image. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(9), 1101-1115.

Cutting Off Aid to Terrorists
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Hitting ISIS where it hurts
As horrific as the current situation in Iraq may be, according to political scientist Patrick B. Johnston's essay "Hitting ISIS where it hurts: Disrupt ISIS cash flow in Iraq" there is little appetite in the U.S. For a wide-scale ground war. Yet a more conservative combination of limited airstrikes and aid is also unlikely to prevent ISIS from thriving. Johnston believes that the defeat of ISIS can only come from within Iraq. Helping the Iraqi government and the ISIS resistance movement plan military options, specifically by targeting ISIS' financial sources of support is critical. ather than targeting the outside flow of financial revenue to ISIS, Johnston advocates active military operations against the oil business, cash, and bookkeeping of ISIS. Traditional methods of stemming the flow of cash will not work, give ISIS' lack of reliance on foreign patrons.

Johnston believes that Iraq squeezing ISIS economically is critical…...



Johnson, P. (2014).Hitting ISIS where it hurts: Disrupt ISIS cash flow in Iraq. RAND. Retrieved


War in Canada
Pages: 4 Words: 1316

Canada ISIS
The world's stage is full of confusion and warfare as the unsettled circumstances in the Middle East resonate loud and strong across the Atlantic to Canada. The purpose of this essay deals with explaining the reasons why Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada should continue with the involvement with the conflict with ISIS as the Islamic terror group gains significant footholds in Iraq and other strategic locations in that region of the world. This essay will use three arguments to support this claim to demonstrate the need for involvement and Stephen Harper's decision on this matter will impact many events to come relating to this matter.

ISIS is a Global Threat

The doomed attacks on 9/11 in America demonstrated the global reach of Islamist terror groups. The world's political, economic and social structure was transformed in many ways as a result of this attack, and the Western world was forced…...



Hall, John. "The growing influence of ISIS now reaches Pakistan as Taliban leaders pledge allegiance to brutal jihadist group." UK Mail, 15 October 2014. Retrieved from   pakistan-taliban-leaders-pledge-allegiance-brutal-jihadist-group.html -

Kirkpatrick, David, "Attacks in West Raise New Fears Over ISIS Influence." The New York Times, 24 Oct 2014. Retrieved from   new-fears-over-isis-influence.html?_r=0 -

Marche, Stephen, " Canada, The Idea, Is In Pieces," Esquire, 22 Oct 2014. Retrieved from 

Warmington, Joe, " Canada's ISIS fight extends beyond Fallujah." Toronto Sun 7 November 2014. Retrieved from   -extends-beyond-fallujah 

Criminal Justice Systems and Terrorism
Pages: 6 Words: 1970

Globlal Organized Crime, ISIS and Criminal Justice
The impact of globalization has not just been felt around the planet in economic, political and social terms: it has also been felt in the sector of criminology. The current crimes and criminal issues that impact the criminal justice system on a global basis are, in other words, not as isolated or unconnected as they were a century ago. Today's world is connected in complex ways, especially thanks to the ease of communication that the digital era has provided. In places where the digital divide exists, crimes and criminal issues are more unique and remote (examples include genocide, such as that conducted by Boko Haram for instance in Africa). But in countries where there is no digital divide, the crimes and criminal issues that impact the criminal justice system range from counterfeiting to human trafficking to various forms of cyber crime and terrorist-related crime.…...



BBC. (2015). Facebook, Google, and Twitter agree German hate speech deal.

BBCNews. Retrieved from 

Baksi, C. (2015). China tackles problem of counterfeit goods head-on. Raconteur.

Retrieved from

Biggest Terror Group Threat
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Homeland Security
Over the last two decades or so, the nastiest and most active terrorist groups really have to be ISIS/ISIL and Al Qaeda. Although the former is much "younger" than the latter, they have certainly made up for lost time given what they are currently doing in the Middle East. Even so, the top question becomes which of those two groups is the most active and deadliest right now. Indeed, a case could be made for both in their own rights. Al Qaeda has had more staying power but ISIS is running roughshod over the Middle East much more so as of late than Al Qaeda has been doing anywhere. While Al Qaeda is certainly still a threat, ISIS is clearly the more clear and present danger right now.


If this question were posed a mere ten to fifteen years ago, the answer would be Al Qaeda and it would not…...



PBS. (2016). Bill Moyers Journal. Brief History of al Qaeda -- PBS. Retrieved 21 May

2016, from 

Yuhas, A. (2016). NATO Commander: ISIS 'Spreading like cancer' among refugees. The Guardian. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from 


What an Economic Sanction of Saudi Arabia Would Do
Pages: 2 Words: 679

The best way to stop ISIS is to cut off their funding. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey are known to be doing business with ISIS's oil trade. Therefore, one economic solution to the problem of ISIS and their terror network throughout the world is to sanction countries that do business with the terrorist group. Even if these countries are our allies, the stopping of the bombings and mass killings that this group is responsible for is far more important than the geopolitical reasons that we have to be allies with these nations. Economic sanctions have, in fact, worked in the past. e have used them against Iran and Russia. It brought both to the negotiating table in recent years. e worked with Iran over a nuclear deal and essentially received everything we wanted in terms of assurance that nonproliferation would remain in place. Iran also received what…...


Works Cited

Durden, Tyler. "Obama Responds To Saudi Threat To Dump Treasuries If Its Role In Sept 11 Is Probed." ZeroHedge, 18 April 2016. Web. 18 April 2016.

What is the affiliations of domestic and transnational terrorism?
Words: 483

We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.  Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups.  Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group.  The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations.  Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....

Need help with my assignment, which is to write a reaction paper on the following movies: Never Hear and A Twist of Faith addressing pastoral care and counseling implications and appropriate intervention?
Words: 409

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

Please help me with essay topics that can be used as essay titles on crisis management related to family business?
Words: 373

Crisis management refers to many things, but in a business context it specifically refers to how a firm identifies threats to both the business and its stakeholders and how the organization deals with the threats.  Many large organizations have crisis management plans, but smaller businesses should have them as well, since it is entirely possible for small businesses to be impacted by crisis scenarios. The possible negative outcomes of these types of crisis range from a decline in revenue all the way to the total loss of the company.  This is of....

I need to write a policy paper on Border Security and immigration policy. I need help with a thesis statement and a hook?
Words: 381

While the idea of border security is always innately political, it is even more so right now. Combined with immigration policy, border security helps shape what our country looks like. More importantly, immigration policy helps shape the future electorate, which some people believe will have a dramatic impact on the country’s political future. So, the first thing you should consider is how deeply you want to delve into politics, motivations, and partisan differences. If you do, then you could choose a niche thesis statement focusing on those issues. In addition, you....

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