Speech Essays (Examples)

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Speech of Alexander the Great
Pages: 7 Words: 3029

Proposals for action "must first convince the audience that a problem exists and make the audience want action. Often, these arguments consider ethical situations: if the situation is wrong, then the solution must make it right" ("riting Tip #21). Alexander identifies his men as the cause of being able to claim so many cities; "through your courage and endurance you have gained possession of Ionia, the Hellespont, both Phrygias, Cappadocia, Paphlagonia, Lydia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, Phoenicia, and Egypt; the Greek part of Libya is now yours, together with much of Arabia, lowland Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Susia; Persia and Media with all the territories either formerly controlled by them or not are in your hands; you have made yourselves masters of the lands beyond the Caspian Gates" (Arrian). He evaluates the probability of success in future endeavors, and also the possible consequences of failing to continue; "But if you…...


Works Cited

Arrian. "Speech of Alexander the Great' from the Campaigns of Alexander. Ancient History

Sourcebook. N.p., August 2000. Web. 21 Mar. 2012.

"The Art of Rhetoric: Learning how to use the Three Main Rhetorical Styles." Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute. N.p. Unk. Web. 21 Mar. 2012.

Speech and Language Pathology
Pages: 4 Words: 1115

Speech Pathology
Some of my earliest childhood memories involve the brief period during first or second grade when I had to overcome a stuttering problem. I remember the social discomfort of worrying about how people might react to me once I started talking. I also remember the frustration of people talking to me as though I was unintelligent because they drew that conclusion from my speech pattern without listening to what I was trying so hard to say. Fortunately, my parents encouraged me in a positive way to participate in speech therapy because with their support and access to those resources, I was able to conquer my problem very quickly.

To this day, I shudder at the thought of how different the rest of my life experiences might have been otherwise. For that reason, when I encounter a person with speech pathologies, I cannot help but to be acutely aware that many…...

Speech Bill Clinton and His
Pages: 10 Words: 2514

In a 2008 interview, Theodore C. Sorensen, one of John F. Kennedy's speechwriters, compared the individual appeal of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the distinct styles of two great speakers of the classical period, Cicero and Demosthenes. Sorensen recalled how it was once said that when Cicero spoke, the crowds declared, "How well he spoke," but when Demosthenes spoke, the crowds exclaimed, "Let us march!" think it applies here," Mr. Sorensen added, "Bill being the one for whom they say, 'Let us march!' "I think Bill Clinton delivers inspiring addresses. Hillary is more likely to deliver learned lectures."

However, Bill Clinton was not always known for his impeccable speaking skills. At the 1988 Democratic National Convention, he gave a speech that Hernandez described as "rambling." However, with the help of speechwriters and public communications experts, Clinton has learned to use notes and key points in combination with his unpredictable anecdotes and…...


Works Cited

CBS. (February 15, 2001). Bill Clinton -- Speaker for Hire. CBS News.

Reynolds, Garr. (October 24, 2006). Bill Clinton and the art of speaking in a "human voice." Presentation Zen. Retrieved from the Internet at  http://www.presentationzen.com/presentationzen/2006/10/bill_clinton_an.html .

Ezilon.com. (2008). Essential Qualities of a Good Public Speaker Retrieved from the Internet at  http://www.ezilon.com/articles/articles/1938/1/Essential-Qualities-of-a-Good-Public-Speaker .

Hernandez, Raymond. (February 13, 2006). On Podium, Some Say, Mrs. Clinton Is No Mr. Clinton. New York Times. Retrieved from the Internet at  http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/13/politics/13hillary.html .

Speech Pathology in Degenerative Central
Pages: 13 Words: 4115

For patients whose primary concern is a loss of language abilities due to loss of cognitive abilities therapies to help improve cognitive function will be combined with exercises that ask the patient to perform various language tasks. Speech and language therapy is only a small portion of the many different specialists that any patient with a CNS dysfunction will need.


Aphasia is the result of damage to the language centers of the brain (ASHA 2007a). The location of the language center is typically on the left side of the brain. This is true for almost all right handed people and almost 1/2 of all left handers (ASHA 2007a). When the language center of the brain is damaged, either by disease or trauma, a person might lose their ability to speak, listen, read or write (ASHA 2007a). Any type of damage to the brain can cause Aphasia.

Language is generally divided into two…...



American Speech language and Hearing Association (ASHA). 2007a. Aphasia. Available from   11 May 2007].http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/Aphasia_info.htm [Cited

American Speech language and Hearing Association (ASHA). 2007b. Apraxia in Adults. Available at   12 May 2007].http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/apraxia_adults.htm .[Cited

American Speech language and Hearing Association (ASHA). 2007g. Dysarthria. Available at   12 May 2007].http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/dysarthria.htm .[Cited

American Speech language and Hearing Association (ASHA). 2007c. Huntington's Disease. Available at   12 May 2007].http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/Huntington-Disease.htm .[Cited

Speech What Martin Luther King
Pages: 7 Words: 2706

The real words of King? "I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." (quoted in: Husseini)
The final major flaw is that Clinton addresses the black ministers with a severe racial hubris -- he never makes any mention of the racial differences that might call into question his naive (at best) brotherly demeanor. He careful avoids bringing attention to the fact that he is not, as he says, "one of" these honest black ministers -- he does not actually share in their pain or their calling. The fact that he preaches to them on their moral duty instead of involving them in dialog and addressing them honestly as equals who might have as much to teach him as vice versa on the issue…...



American Presidents.org "Office of Speechwriting: Judson Welliver and His Successors. http://www.americanpresident.org/action/orgchart/administration_units/officeofspeechwriting/printable.html

American Review. "PRESIDENT CLINTON'S SPEECH to BLACK MINISTERS in MEMPHIS.  http://www.americanreview.us/memphis.htm 

Borgue, Amy. " Alumna Enjoys Career as Presidential Speechwriter, Journalist and Ambassador" the Communicator.  http://www.cla.purdue.edu/academic/comm/Newsletter/Spring2003/curiel.html 

Clinton, Bill. My Life (Excerpt). Blueprint Magazine, July 2004.  http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?kaid=127&subid=173&contentid=252794

Speech the Central Hudson Test
Pages: 3 Words: 910

The state attempted to justify the law by arguing that the ban on advertising reduced competition in sale of liquor, which resulted in higher prices and reduced consumption. The court ruled that they were not going to restrict truthful speech about a legal product on something that they saw as speculation and conjecture (Pember & Calvert, 2005).
Central Hudson Test Effects

Unsolicited Advertising

From the beginning of federal attempts to restrict unsolicited phone calls, the government has asserted that its primary interest lies in protecting citizens from invasion of privacy. Three different federal appeals courts have upheld the TCPA and the TS in four separate challenges. These courts have all shown judicial deference in their consideration of the third part of Central Hudson, relying upon legislative findings and "simple common sense" to support the government interest in shielding citizens from invasions of privacy by the telemarketer, saving them from the cost-shifting of…...



Boedecker, K., Morgan, F., & Wright, L. (1995). The evolution of first amendment protection for commercial speech. Journal of Marketing, 59(1), 38. Retrieved from Business Source

Complete database.

Cohn, W. (2009). How Free is Free Speech?. New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central

European Affairs, 12(3), 23-27. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Speech Effective Business Is Not
Pages: 2 Words: 694

The speech begins with a pause to settle the crowd down, then launches into setting the scene. Even from the very beginning, Obama is making eye contact with different parts of the crowd. His first words address the audience - "fellow citizens" - and the rest of the speech keeps with that audience in mind. His diction is firm, and the words are clear. The metaphors used are simple, so as not to distract the audience from the core message.
Through the 6 to 6 1/2-minute mark we can see an increase in the firmness of tone, more clarity of speech and an increase in volume. This marks a point in the speech where Obama has been building to his first emotional rise. In a speech of this length, such rises break up the potential monotony and allow the speaker to keep command of the listener's attention. Notice that throughout…...

Speech Recognition Technology According to Moore an
Pages: 3 Words: 1135

Speech ecognition Technology
According to Moore an early pioneer in silicone technology, the capacity for engineering technology innovation is clearly rapid, as he famously set a benchmark for silicone technology that it would double the number of transistors on a chip, which determines the capacity for memory every 24 months. This law served as a standard for Intel and other chip manufacture companies, creating a demonstrative goal that was followed almost to the letter from its inception to now (Intel, 2011). This rapid advancement of technology has made many functions and aspects of technology capabilities possible. Human interface technology has always been an aspect of the capacity of memory that has demonstrated steady growth, from the keyboard to the mouse/keyboard combination, individual improvements in both technologies to touch screens, and scanning devices. Even just the innovation of the mouse, technically a pointing device is a revolution taken for granted (Te'eni, Carey,…...



Intel. (2011). Moore's Law inspires Intel innovation. Retrieved from  http://www.intel.com/about/companyinfo/museum/exhibits/moore.htm 

Microsoft Research. (2011). Speed Technology (Redmon). Retrieved from  http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/groups/srg/ 

Patel, N., Cirimele, J., Parikh, T., Klemmer, S. (2010). Avaaj Otalo -- a field study of an interactive voice forum for small farmers in rural India. Mobile Computing Research Stanford HCI Group. Retrieved from  http://hci.stanford.edu/research/mobile/ 

Robinson, P. (2006, January 27). Q&A: The future of speech. (2006). Retrieved from  http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1916107,00.asp

Speech Norman Podhoretz Attempts to Answer the
Pages: 3 Words: 928

Norman Podhoretz attempts to answer the controversial question, "Is America Exceptional?" In a persuasive speech delivered on October of 2012. The speech has some core strengths that make it generally effective. Podhoretz appeals to his audience's emotions, establishes his credibility as a speaker, uses some forms of logical reasoning, and also cites specific facts and data. However, there are clearly some problems with "Is America Exceptional?" In The Art of Public Speaking, Stephen Lucas outlines some of the parameters that characterize an effective persuasive speech. Among those parameters is the absence of logical fallacies. Unfortunately, Podhoretz's speech is filled with logical fallacies that make "Is America Exceptional?" A speech that only has emotional appeals without having a logical backbone.

Podhoretz relies heavily on emotional appeals in "Is America Exceptional?" The speech starts with the line, "Once upon a time," like a fairy tale. Fairy tales are emotionally charged stories that appeal…...


Works Cited

Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 11th Edition. Chapter 16

Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 11th Edition. Chapter 17

Podhoretz, Norman. "Is America Exceptional?" Retrieved online:  http://www.hillsdale.edu/news/imprimis/archive/issue.asp?year=2012&month=10

Speech to the Young Speech to the Progress Toward
Pages: 8 Words: 3061

Speech to the Young. Speech to the Progress-Toward.
Say to them, say to the down-keepers,

the sun-slappers,

the self-soilers, the harmony-hushers,

"even if you are not ready for day it cannot always be night."

You will be right.

For that is the hard home-run.

Live not for battles won.

Live not for the-end-of-the-song.

Live in the along.

In the 1940s and 1950s, Gwendolin Brooks was one of the few black poets and writers to become part of the white literary establishment, with poems that she later denounced as too timid and apolitical. In the 1960s and 1970s, she was inspired by militant young blacks in Chicago and other cities to take a more radical, nationalistic line in support of the black revolution. Given that she was part of the older generation, and had even received a Pulitzer Prize in 1950, this change would seem somewhat surprising. Her poem "Speech to the Young" was part of this radical turn in her…...



Baker, Houston A. "From "The Florescences of Nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s" in Wright, Stephen Caldwell (Ed), On Gwendolin Brooks's Reliant Contemplation. University of Michigan Press, 1996, 2001: 116-23.

Bloom, Harold. Gwendolyn Brooks: Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Chelsea House Publishers, 2003.

Fisher, Marsha T. Black Literate Lives: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge, 2009.

Hansell, William H. "Essences, Unifyings, and Black Militancy: Major Themes in Gwendolin Brooks's Family Pictures and Beckonings" in Wright: 106-15.

Speech and Language Pathology
Pages: 3 Words: 1160

Speech Pathology
Expert Speech Language Pathologists and Acupuncture as a Cure for Aphasia

This assignment has provided me with an opportunity to present my position on a current controversial issue within my chosen profession. The concern that even the experts and supports of a topic disagree would definitely be tested with this issue. The chosen topic for this report will in fact be highly controversial in the near future and for some time to come. It stands to reason that the rival theories will cause the expected strife. Upon weighing the arguments, I will choose the side of that I believe will be the most successful solution for the issue. I chose curing aphasia symptoms as my topic.

Aphasia is a medical condition that Speech Pathologists are very familiar with. The condition impairs a person's ability to speak, write, and in many cases fail to comprehend the speech and writings of others. Doctors…...


Works Cited

New Advances in the Treatment of Aphasia. Ed. Harris, Veronica. March 1997. LingraphiCARE ™ America.

1999 ACUPUNCTURE LITERATURE REVIEW. Volume 11: Number 2. Ed. Zhang S, Ye X, Shan Q. Fall 1999: Winter 2000. Medical Acupuncture: A Journal For Physicians By Physicians. 7 Dec. 2003 http://www.medicalacupuncture.com/aama_marf/journal/Vol11_2/abstracts.html.

Speech Pathology

Speech Evaluation the Presentation I Saw on
Pages: 3 Words: 944

Speech Evaluation
The presentation I saw on the "No Child Left Behind" law was a well-organized speech that communicated its points well.

The speaker appeared to give thought to her appearance. She wore a suit. It was not a severe business suit, such as the kind of fabric a man's suit might be made out of. Instead the suit was a nubby fabric that might have been linen or silk, in a light coral color. The blouse was simple. Her appearance was not distracting, and she wore simple jewelry. The only jarring thing at all noted was that her assistant, who shifted placards on an easel, was wearing some kind of charm bracelet that tinkled rather loudly when she switched the placards for the speaker.

The presentation appeared to be planned, because topics did not jump around. The speaker spoke generally about the growing concern among politicians that too many students were graduating…...

Speech it Is With Great
Pages: 2 Words: 650

The new hospital is absolutely necessary. Our community is growing. We cannot afford to rely on outmoded facilities in a hospital with insufficient beds. Our runoff is handled by the Bendalong Regional Hospital but we cannot continue imposing our public health burdens on them. I urge you Bilby residents to think about the future of our community, and what your children have to look forward to in terms of a brand new health care facility. Thank you for your time.
Letter to the Editor

This letter is in response to the Mayor's recent speech detailing the plans for the new hospital. Last year I was in a car accident. I was rushed to Bush Hospital here in Bilby. Although the nursing staff did everything they could to help, I had major complications with my surgery because Bush is severely understaffed. Having experienced first hand the need for an improved medical facility…...

Speech on Guns Why Everyone Should Support
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

Speech on Guns
Why Everyone Should Support Gun Rights

In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting -- a tragedy, in which George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain gunned down the unarmed, 17-year-old student -- the country has put gun rights and gun ownership on trial.

Questions are being asked, such as: should we allow people to carry a concealed firearm? Should we pass gun control that limits the number of firearms one can own?

Well, I'm here to tell you that all attacks on gun ownership are patently specious -- not because I have a personal affinity for firearms, but because the facts paint a very clear picture: responsible gun ownership is good for America.

Gun ownership is a quintessential part of American life. As such, it's explicitly articulated in our country's most hallowed document: the U.S. Constitution.

The Second Amendment clearly states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free…...

Speech Symposium Dear Today You
Pages: 15 Words: 4047

The federal workforce, U.S. federal government agency workforces are based on equal opportunity and promotions are on merit principles. (Starks, 2009) Thus we have Asians and Pacific Islanders well-represented in private sector professional positions (8.9%) and in government positions (4.8%) considering they made up 3.7% of the general population." (Starks, 2009)
Another issue you are going to face is the gender issues. In the U.S. too it was an issue and we see the first U.S. female secretary only during the Clinton administration - Madeline Albright followed by ice and now Hillary Clinton. Outside the race and sex issues are very important. In Islamic countries the situation of women are not very positive and this if interfered with is going to cause ill will. Like wise you may have to encounter hostile feelings in countries wherein women have a long history of discrimination that was meted out to them. (Henderson,…...



Briscoe, Dennis R; Schuler, Randall S. (2004) "International Human Resource

Management: Policies & Practices for the Global Enterprise."

Routledge: New York.

Burke, Ronald J; Cooper, Cary L. (2004) "Reinventing Human Resources

style of writing and use of langauge in a streetcar named desire?
Words: 111

There are two main levels of language used in A Streetcar Named Desire. These are the text of the stage directions and the words the actors actually say to one another. The biggest contrast is between Stanley's course, slang language and Blanche's classy, flowery statements. While Blanche's language sounds much more proper, it also sounds very fake and false in comparison with Stanley's speech. This is how Williams wanted it to sound when he wrote the play. By using two styles of writing and language, Williams was able to distinguish the two main characters from one another very easily, which....

What was the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States on the eve of the Civil War during the antebellum period?
Words: 353

To tackle a three-page essay on the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States, it is very important to keep in mind that there was no single idea of freedom.  The condition of slaves varied tremendously throughout the United States.  Some slaves lived near urban areas and had relatively high amounts of personal autonomy as well as exposure to free people of color, while other slaves were in isolation on plantations and may not ever encounter free people or color or even regularly encounter slaves held captive on other plantations.  In addition, men, women,....

Need help with an essay outline including 3 competencies for a community relations job?
Words: 492

Community relations is a catchall phrase that describes how a company or other organization relates to the stakeholders or communities with which it interacts.  Building positive community relations is important for companies, because communities can have a significant impact on business, even communities that contain a significant percentage of people who are not customers or suppliers.  It is often viewed in a negative context, with community relations only coming into the public discourse when an organization is experiencing problems with the community, such as in the context of police community relations.  However, it is important....

Can you help with an outline for a speech on cyberbullying?
Words: 510

Cyberbullying is an extremely popular topic for academic essays and speeches.  In fact, we have several example essays on the cyberbullying and bullying.  It is similar to traditional in-person bullying in many ways, but because of the reach of internet devices it is often considered more serious and damaging than many methods of in-person bullying.  That is because victims describe being unable to get away from cyberbullying and to the fact that once it is online, the it is permanent.  This has led to people taking a more serious approach to bullying.  Here is an....

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