Absence Management Change Management Capstone Project

Absence Management: My Perspective

The Problem

In any organizational setting, the relevance of human resources cannot be overstated. It therefore follows that for an organization to accomplish its objectives and fulfill its mandate, it should have a skilled, committed, and effective workforce. There are a wide range of personnel-related factors that affect the effective delivery of various services in healthcare institutions. One such factor happens to be personnel absenteeism. The problem the researcher identified in the selected FQHC relates to a high rate of absenteeism with the facility having to grapple with, amongst other things, unscheduled absences of staff. This effectively gets in the way of effective delivery of various services and results in longer patient wait times, a higher than desired rate of patient readmissions, and loss of revenue. Towards this end, the need to rein in the high rate of absenteeism at the facility has been identified. The causes of the high absenteeism rate were identified via the development and dissemination of an employee absenteeism questionnaire. To be more specific, the said questionnaire sought to establish the reasons employees cite for failure to report to their workstations for periods of time deemed beyond the acceptable time span. The key cause of personnel absenteeism was in this case identified as low employee morale. The other less prominent reasons cited on this front were sickness and familial commitments.

To determine the absence rate in the facility, the researcher made use of the formula;

Employee absenteeism rate (%) = (Number of days absent/Total working days) * 100

Data from the most quarter was utilized more specifically for the months of July, August and September. During the said period, it was established that the facility had an absenteeism rate of 18%. If it is to continue being effective in the delivery of its mandate to those it serves, the facility ought to ensure that the rate of employee absenteeism is reduced. This is more so the case given that in comparison to the industry average, the current absenteeism rate happens to be rather high. Available data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) indicates that as of the year 2022, the absence rate in the healthcare practitioners and technical occupations among fulltime wage and salary workers stood at 4.1% (BLS, 2023). This is a much lower rate than that which the facility registers at present. With a reduction in employee absence rates, the…

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"Absence Management Change Management" (2023, December 01) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Absence Management Change Management" 01 December 2023. Web.27 July. 2024. <

"Absence Management Change Management", 01 December 2023, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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