Christian Church And Christians Essay

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Threats to Early Christians There were many assets and assisting of the early Christian movement. However, there were also a lot of threats and challenges that had to be faced by Christians. These threats came in the form of the Gnostics, the Montanists and the Marcion. The threats and challenges that were faced by Christians by each of these groups will be detailed and described. Beyond that, examples of each of the groups and what they did to post a threat to Christians will also be covered. While the times of early Christians had a lot of good times and progress, there were also people that were violently opposed to what the Christians had to offer.

First up is the group known as the Gnostics. Many label their brand of religion as "heretical" and otherwise polluted. Indeed, they were a blend of Christianity, Greek philosophy and oriental mysticism. None other than the apostle John labeled them as being in the "camp of the Antichrist." What made the Gnostics so devious and deceptive is that they often self-identified as regular Christians. However, this was simply not the case. While they did not outright reject the Bible as the Word of God, they also asserted that there was additional and more superior information and knowledge that should be included in the


They held themselves as more enlightened and wiser than non-Gnostic Christians. Rather than assail the Bible directly as being incorrect, they instead used nuance and the like to change the message into something else. Some Gnostics made things even worse and suggested that the body was corrupt. As such, there was no harm in doing corrupt things involving the body. Since this and other lessons like it clearly did not mesh and fit with the message of Christianity, it was seen as polluting Christianity and giving the implication that traditional Christians had things wrong (Christianity, 2016).
Montanism arose in about the second century CE and it came from a self-ordained prophet by the name of Montanus. The suggested that he was speaking with the help of the Paraclete, the helper of Christ. Even with the apparent self-made nature of his power, he was able to create quite a movement during his time. The Christian church was still quite young and thus was subject, unfortunately, to being questioned and decried by loyalists to Montanus and his version of faith. One major and…

Sources Used in Documents:

References (2016). The Canon of Marcion the heretic. Retrieved 20 November 2016,


Christianity. (2016). Gnosticism. Retrieved 20 November 2016, from

ECH. (2016). Early Christian History / Heresies: Montanism.
Retrieved 20 November 2016, from

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"Christian Church And Christians" (2016, November 20) Retrieved April 30, 2024, from

"Christian Church And Christians" 20 November 2016. Web.30 April. 2024. <>

"Christian Church And Christians", 20 November 2016, Accessed.30 April. 2024,

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