Disability Politics And The Disability Movement In Britain Dissertation Or Thesis Complete


¶ … Census Bureau in the United States, there are about 54 million Americans that have some sort of disability. Out of these persons, 26 million persons have a severe disability. While employment rates are concerned, it should be seen that 82% of the people in America without a disability have a job or some sort of business. Keeping this in mind, it should be seen that the employment rate of individuals with disabilities has not improved since the 1990s when the ADA was passed. Even though the economy was gotten better since that time, employment still hasn't improved. Now with the economy in a decline and inflation going up, there is an urgent need for disabled people to be employed so that they can better take care of themselves. In this part of the paper we shall be discussing the results that were obtained with respect to the research questions that were laid down in the study design section of the paper. The responses of respondents to each question and therefore the findings obtained as a part of the research through these questions shall be brought into limelight one after another (Bryman, 2012). This study made use of both a survey and questionnaire. Restatement of Study Purpose

The major purpose of the study as mentioned before is to look over and analyze the firms that appreciate the presence of employee motivators. Another objective therefore is to discover the number of firms that follow and actually implement relevant policies towards reduction of unemployment among persons with disability. The research tools used in the study consisted of interviews, questionnaires and evaluation of the existing literature that is present about the topic. The mixed research design was used so that answers to the research questions could be obtained in a more comprehensive manner. The data was obtained by making use of interview questions in a questionnaire. There were a couple of open-ended questions that the respondents had to answer. The aim of this questionnaire was to record the candid thought of 50 respondents that were made a part of this study. The employer's size ranged from 15-200 for small to midsize employers in metro Atlanta.

Demographic Information of Study Sample

The study sample was chosen by the designation and job description of the participants. There was no preference over a certain age or gender while considering the study sample. In every district, the sample consisted of HR specialists in major companies, disability advocates, normal employees and persons with disabilities. The numbers of employees who had a disability and did not have a disability were equal in the study. Considering how everyone was of the working age, the demographic profile of the sample appears to be more than 25 and less than 60. There is an almost equal number of men and women in this study sample. All the participants belonged to Atlanta city but to different districts within the city.

Research Questions

1. What level of knowledge do senior managers have pertaining to employer motivators for employing persons with disabilities?

Out of 50 respondents, seven were of the view that the senior managers do have sufficient knowledge of economic motivators for employing people who have physical disabilities. 35 respondents were of the view that the senior managers did not possess sufficient knowledge about the economic motivators with respect to people with abilities. 8 respondents were seen to be uncertain about this situation as to whether incentives or economic motivators for hiring people with disabilities had a role to play and were of the view that they believed that if they had more knowledge about this matter, it would be helpful for them.

2. How much are employer motivators for hiring individuals with disabilities used in organizations?

As far as this question is concerned, the responses of the employers were seen to be quite varied. 25 respondents were of the view that the desire for the government to remain focused on the small sized companies pertaining to economic incentives was mainly because they lacked more in resources as compared to the bigger ones. 10 out of the 50 respondents stated that it is dependent on the size of the business as to whether the employer can accommodate people with physical disabilities. They said that it was hard to imagine being able to offer a person with physical disabilities a job that was based on many hours if the organization was a small sized one. 15 employers were of the view that their organization does not have sufficient information about the hiring people with...


They further said that the organizations will not look into this situation unless they are faced with it.
3. What do senior managers believe are the most effective recommendations for improving the employment of persons with disabilities?

20 out of the 50 respondents were of the view that their organization was lacking on many fronts. They felt that they did not have the information that they required with respect to employment of the people with physical disabilities. 10 respondents believed that they desired information based on reasonable accommodations as well as unreasonable accommodations, rights and responsibilities as an employer and 20 did not respond to this particular question.

4. How does the American Disabilities Act (ADA) support the employment of individuals with disabilities?

35 out of the 50 respondents were of the view that the American Disabilities Act was an incredible organization that supported the employment of people with physical disabilities. 5 out of these respondents maintained a neutral stance, whereas 8 were not sure whether or not they support ASA and 2 of the respondents did not have any knowledge about this organization.

The aforementioned were the qualitative questions that were asked from the respondents in the form of interviews. As it has been stated above, the responses to these questions revealed the candid thoughts of the employers. The quantitative questions were asked through the research survey and the responses were then quantified in terms of x, which was the main result of the particular question and the standard deviation that was calculated for that value.

The demographics were different from the interview questions. The sample for this study was based on 73 surveys. 300 surveys were mailed and distributed to the small and medium businesses that are based in metro Atlanta, Georgia. Out of these 300 surveys, only 73 of them returned for evaluation, which implies that the return rate was calculated to be 24%.

According to the results of the survey, the x (which us basically the p value) value was found to 1.602 for the first question that was about the awareness of the employers about the legislation exists pertaining to the employment of the people with physical disabilities. The standard deviation to the x value was calculated to be 0.492. The responses showed that 40 (29 respondents) percent of the respondents were aware of the legislation, meanwhile 60(44 respondents) percent were not.

In response to the question that asked whether or not any organization had an employee who became disabled at their workplace, 67 out of 73 replied in negative, meanwhile 6 replied in positive. 92% of the respondents gave their answer as no and 8% gave their answer as yes. The p value calculated for this question as 1.917 and the standard deviation was 0.276.

When asked pertaining to the awareness of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the results showed that 56% of the respondents were aware of this Act, meanwhile 44% of them were not. The x value was calculated to be 1.438 with a standard deviation of 0.499.

The results showed that 85% of the respondents were aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, whereas there were only 15% of the employers that did not have any knowledge about it. The x value calculated for this question was 1.150 with a standard deviation of 0.360.

When asked about the awareness of the employers pertaining to the state and local laws about the employment of people with physical disabilities, 40% of the employers were not aware of these laws. On the other hand, 60% of the employers that took part in the survey claimed that they are aware of it. The x value that was calculated for this question was 1.397, with a standard deviation of 0.492.

45% of the people claimed that they were not aware of the laws that exist pertaining to the termination of an employee with a physical disability, whereas 55% of these people were aware of these laws. According to the results, the x value calculated for this question as 1.452, with a standard deviation of 0.501.

The next question that was asked was about the job analysis of the positions that are there within the organization. In response to these questions, the x value was calculated to be 1.575 with a standard deviation of 0.497. 58% of the employers stated that they never went for any kind of job analysis; on the other hand 42% of the respondents were of the view that…

Sources Used in Documents:


Ashworth, K., Hartfree, Y & Stephenson, A. (2001). Well enough to work? Research Report No. 145, (UK) Department of Work and Pensions, Corporate Document Services, Leeds.

Baker, M. & Tippin, D. (2003). More than just another obstacle: Health, Domestic Purposes Beneficiaries, and the transition to paid work, paper presented at the Social Policy, Research and Evaluation conference Connecting Policy, Research and Practice, 29 -- 30 April, Wellington.

Berkowitz, M., & Hill, M. (1986). Disability and the labor market (1st ed.). Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.

Berthoud, R. (1998). Disability benefits: A review of the issues and options for reform, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.
Irs.gov,. (2014). Tax Benefits for Businesses Who Have Employees with Disabilities. Retrieved 11 July 2014, from http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/Tax-Benefits-for-Businesses-Who-Have-Employees-with-Disabilities

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"Disability Politics And The Disability Movement In Britain" (2014, July 11) Retrieved April 16, 2024, from

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