Discussion On Classroom Assessments Term Paper


Assessment M1D

One of the most important elements in the process of teaching and learning within the educational setting is assessment. Assessment is regarded as a tool that helps to promote and enhance student learning as well as improving instruction. Therefore, for educators or teachers, assessment is viewed as one of the most essential educational tools. This educational tool is used by teachers to determine what their students are learning in the classroom. They provide a mechanism through which teachers gather information and evidence regarding students learning and how to enhance instruction in order to improve learning outcomes. Information derived from assessments in the educational setting is also beneficial to students themselves and their parents.

In my opinion, classroom assessment is defined as an evaluation tool that examines the formative and summative achievements of students based on what was taught in the classroom. This tool provides important information regarding students progress in the learning process, particularly mastery of learning content. Formative achievement data is used to enhance instructional strategies and techniques while summative achievement data shows student competency following the completion of an instructional phase.

There are various examples of classroom assessments that fall under two major categories i.e. formative assessments and summative assessments. Formative assessments help in determining how to...…three (3) vitamins that are essential for humans.

2. Provide at least two (2) reasons why these vitamins are essential for humans.

3. List at least one (1) way through which people can obtain these vitamins.

When designing this assessment, I utilized the 3-2-1 Format assessment to gain students understanding of the passage. The goal of this assessment is to examine students mastery of the learning content and its applicability to daily life. Secondly, I wanted students to focus on the main ideas presented in the text and their supporting details. Through this process, students learn how to organize their thoughts and identify main ideas in a text or…

Sources Used in Documents:


Educational Testing Service. (2003). Linking Classroom Assessment with Student Learning. Retrieved April 11, 2018, from https://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/TOEFL_Institutional_Testing_Program/ELLM2002.pdf

Pellegrino, J.W., Chudowsky, N. & Glasier, R. (2001). Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

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