Education Part 6 Learner Outcome: Term Paper

Step 7: Assessment

Assessment will occur on two basic levels: informal and formal. Informal assessment will occur during the group work process, where each group is assessed for its ability to cooperate and learn from each other. A value out of 10 is assigned for each group, where higher values denote a higher level of cooperation.

Formal assessment will occur in two phases: by means of a class presentation and by means of written assessment. When all groups have finished their tasks, groups have the opportunity to present their documents orally to the class. Each group assigns a "speaker," who reads the document. Students are allowed to ask questions to clarify the information. The teacher then assigns a grade according to the number of clarifying questions asked and the general reactions of the rest of the class. This value, along with the cooperation grade, is assigned to all the members of each particular group.

Written assessment occurs when students...


The documents are assessed according to criteria such as relevance to the topic, the quality of Web information, the quality of paraphrasing, the accuracy of quotations, and finally the coherence of the whole passage in providing information about the topic. During the following lesson, students then receive their grades and comments on how they can improve in the future.
In conclusion, it is vitally important to include technology in education today. This prepares students not only for their future as learners (Myers, 2010), but also for the workplace, where technology is an increasingly complicated phenomenon.


Myers, M. (2010). Your Fourth-Grader and Technology. Retrieved from:

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Myers, M. (2010). Your Fourth-Grader and Technology. Retrieved from:

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"Education Part 6 Learner Outcome " (2010, October 14) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Education Part 6 Learner Outcome " 14 October 2010. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Education Part 6 Learner Outcome ", 14 October 2010, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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