Formation Of A New Police Department Capstone Project


Police Department The mission statement

The XYZ police department is willing to work with the local community to secure and safeguard common populace, avert crime and help people alike.

Services and their description

Community services division

This unit consists of one captain, three lieutenant watch commanders, one watch operations supervisor, eight watch operations specialists, three telephone response specialists, forty security contract employees, one security specialist and two roster employees (Miller, 2011).

Patrol Bureau is headed by the assistant chief of police who works for the chief of police. This Bureau entails four divisions who cover the entire area under the Bureau's jurisdiction (Miller, 2011).

The Patrol Operations Division has one assistant chief of police, five division commanders, eight executive officers, three watch commanders, two police service assistants and one administrative assistant (Miller, 2011).

Patrol Operations Division is spearheaded by a captain who works under the Patrol Bureau Commander. This captain presides over three full time watch commanders, watch operations supervisor and a security section (Miller, 2011).

The Watch Commanders

These Watch Commanders have three lieutenants only. The job description of the watch commanders is to supervise and coordinate with the local police all over the city. During their tour around the city, the watch commanders can call any department at their will (Miller, 2011).

Three Watch Commanders work full time covering night shifts. Four Patrol District officers have a weekday duty of being a watch command. Watch command for holidays and weekends is rotated by department command staff. Patrol operations division commander schedules the daytime watch command duties (Miller, 2011).

The Watch Operations center

The Watch Operations Center has one civilian supervisor, eight watch operations specialists and three telephone response specialists. This department works twenty fours providing its services to citizens and other departments. It collaborates with many other agencies. The public files its complaints and they can make inquiries and requests. The complaints are resolved in a timely manner. Watch operations Center is the center point of resources making it available to citizens and public. Telephone Response Unit ensures that investigation reports are completed about incidents which are shown on police website. The department finishes 50% of the reports (Miller, 2011).

The City Security Section

The City security director assigns the captain for patrol operation division. XYZ city will ask an outside agency to provide security in locations of their choice. Most locations have working staff working twenty four hours all-round the year. At least forty policemen and security officers can provide security and do monitoring by cameras. Security section has the access to facilities via a card swipe system. This department has the duty of assigning ID badges (Miller, 2011).

The Investigative Division

Assistant Chief of Police

This investigative bureau is headed by Assistant Chief of Police who works under Chief of Police. The following divisions are handed over to the Bureau (Miller, 2011):

The Criminal Investigations Division

This Criminal Investigation Division has one captain, two lieutenants, one investigative specialist and two administrative assistant. This department entails eight separate investigative squads. Crime stopper program is also working with them. The investigative squad has many other departments examined below briefly (Miller, 2011):

The Homicide Squad

This Homicide Squad consists of one sergeant, one corporal, seven detectives and one multiple offender coordinators. The job description of the homicide squad is to monitor all possible deaths in one city including suicide cases which arrive at front desk of XYZ police department. Underage children (under sixteen) are exempt from these homicide squad investigations. Those are explored by the Juvenile Services Squad (Miller, 2011).

The Robbery Squad

This Robbery Squad consist one sergeant, one corporal and six detectives. The job description of the robbery squad is to monitor all the robberies occurring within a particular city. This entails crimes done against residential and commercial establishments. Crimes against people are scrutinized. The task force officer works under FBI (Miller, 2011).

The Special Victims unit

This Special Victim Unit has one sergeant, one corporal, six detectives and one victim advocate. Special victim unit examines all forms of assaults including sexual assault and related crimes. Missing cases are reported as well to XYZ police department. Sexual abuse by an elderly person can be reported as well as physical assault (Miller, 2011).

The Fraud Squad

This Fraud Squad has one sergeant, one corporal and seven detectives. The job description of the fraud squad is to monitor the financial felonies committed which include bank fraud, forgery and extortion. A polygraph operator is also working with the department. Corporal and detectives examine tech crimes happening in a city. These detectives are working...


The job description of the juvenile services squad is to monitor and investigate crimes done by minors and against minors. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), arson and other crimes are investigated where the child is under sixteen years. Conferences are conducted for improving juvenile behavior and reports are directed juvenile court (Miller, 2011).
The PM Investigations Squad

This PM investigations squad has one sergeant, one corporal along with six detectives. The PM investigation squad can take actions as it has the license. The timings are 5 pm to 4 am from Monday to Thursday. PM squad can help Patrol when needed in daylight crime cases (Miller, 2011).

The Violent Criminal Apprehension Team (VCAT)

This VCAT has one sergeant, six detectives and one violent fugitive task force (VFTF) officer. This Violent Criminal Apprehension Team has the responsibility of locating and apprehending most wanted offenders within a city XYZ. This team will also find and arrest offenders who have fled from other XYZ cities. Violent Fugitive Task Force officer works under United States Marshals (Miller, 2011).

The Commercial Property Squad

This Commercial Property Squad has one sergeant, one corporal, seven detectives, two investigative specialists and three investigative aides. This commercial property squad investigates all possible commercial property crimes occurring within XYZ city. Arson, larceny, burglary and vandalism are investigated among many others (Miller, 2011).

The Residential Property Squad

The lineup of Residential Property Squad consists of one corporal, one sergeant, six detectives, one investigative specialist and one investigative aide. Its job is to investigate the crimes occurring in the vicinity within its jurisdiction. The crimes under scrutiny are vandalism, larceny, burglary and arson. A pawn tracker detective is working alongside (Miller, 2011).

The Crime Stoppers

The lineup of Crime Stoppers consists of one crime stopper coordinator and one crime stopper assistant. Their job is to rely on the information attained from the special crime stoppers website, text line and telephone number. The crime stoppers preside over internal briefings on crime stoppers program and holding public programs for speaking sessions, civic group and organizations related to guidelines of the program. Crime stoppers works as the law enforcement agency working in cahoots with the civilian board of directors which dishes cash rewards for nameless tipsters. They are answerable to the commanding officer of Criminal Investigations Divisions (Miller, 2011).

Task Forces

The Task Forces consist of XYZ police department which is working in many task force operations with known agencies covering the entire region (for instance Violent Fugitive Task Force, Violent Crimes Task Force, Joint Terrorism Task Force, FBI Safe Street Task Force, Financial Crimes Task Force and DEA Task Force). The demand of these task forces dictates that personnel must be trained and professional. Fluidity and flexibility are critical factors. These task forces have temporary positions. The task forces are overseen by the Criminal Investigations Division's, Investigative Support Division, Vice / Narcotics Division's administration. VCTF is assigned one resource coordinator (Miller, 2011).

4: Performance and responsibility indicators of all sections, divisions and units

According to the policing scholars, there can never be a bottom line in policing. Just like different agencies, the police agencies also have different and competing aims. Hence, focusing on just one aim while not tending to others will only invite underperformance in other aims. According to criminologist George Kelling has suggested that 'police performance can't be measured by crime statistics, because many factors such as justice, fear reduction, integrity, security, public satisfaction and assisting the harmless is consequential. Just like that, arresting is also taken as a viable measure of police work. It's about the only factor gathered from all police agencies in United States of America. But new research indicates that state Uniform Crime Reporting agencies didn't comprehend their job description themselves as they failed to include solid information in their reports. The research states that 'premises of the arrest statistics are false and inconclusive while UCR arrest statistics can't adequately measure police performance'.

The case with clearance rate is same as that of arrest rate. It is the amount of reported crimes shutdown by the police forces showing their efficiency. This measure of police efficiency is gathered and overseen by many police agencies nationwide. The critics are not satisfied as they think that these clearance rates are just doctored. For instance, in a famous 1966 novel called 'Justice without Trial', the writer Jerome Skolnick shows how clearance rates are doctored by the detectives who overlook many offences as negligible because of suspicious circumstances.

Skolnick interviewed one supervisor who says, 'Our department is…

Sources Used in Documents:


Bayley, DH (1994). Police for the future. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hatry, H.P., Blair, L.H, Fisk, D.M., Greiner, J.M., Hall, J.R. Jr., and Schaenman, P.S. (1992). How effective are your community services? Procedures for measuring their quality (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Urban Institute and International City/County Management Association.

Kelling, G.L. (1992). Measuring what matters: A new way of thinking about crime and public order. The City Journal, Spring, 21-33.

Maguire, E.R. (2002). Multiwave Establishment Surveys of Police Organizations. Justice Research and Policy, 4 (Fall Issue): 39-60.
MIller, K.C. (2011). Greensboro police department: organizational structure and functions guide. Accessed From:

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