Healthcare Annotated Bibliography


. Fox, R. C. (2016). Advanced Medical Technology--Social and Ethical Implications.Annual Review of Sociology,2, 231268.

Research conducted by found that although technology provides increased benefits in the form of productivity enhancements and quality improvements, it does however provide ethical challenges. Here, Fox notes the cyber security investments needed to maintain the security of the technology. In many instances, the improvements in efficiency are offset by the increased need for continually reinvestment in security and other enhancements to the system. This presents ethical challenges for certain practices who are reluctant to renew or to adopt the latest cyber security practices, those exposing client data to criminals.

2. Gottlieb, S. (2003). The Future of Medical Technology.The New Atlantis,1, 7987.

In his research Gottlieb provides evidence as to the future of technology within the developed world. Here, Gottliebs research indicates increased adoptions rates for Telemedicine and Telehealth applications within the developed world. In addition, as consumers are now becoming much more accepting of technology, the overall adoption rates of these technologies have increased. The benefits provided to healthcare organizations are heavily related to efficiencies. Here, healthcare organizations leveraging these technologies will have fewer appointment delays, lower cancelations and improved operation efficiency. These...…he found that ethical considerations related to use of data, security and overall training were lacking in the medical field. Through his assessment, he found that data was often not secure electronically. Software programs were antiquated and training was not sufficient. These issues are exacerbated during highly stressful work environments, such as those that occurred during COVID-19. Here, data security was often not considered due to the urgency of other matters during the pandemic. As such, large amounts of fraud occurred, related to insurance claims, medical loan applications, and even government assistance. Here, personal data was often stolen and used as a means to…

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4. Hofmann, B. M. (2015). Too much technology. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 350.

Hoffmann through his studies found that technology, although beneficial, can incur diminishing returns as it relates to these benefits. Through his research, Hofmann found that medical organizations use about 30 different technology solutions throughout their business practices. These solutions vary from human resource management provided by organizations such as ADP, to missions critical systems accounting systems such as Quick Books. These technology solutions are often siloed creating inefficiencies as it relates to data collection and integration. These solutions can also create security risk as these platforms each have their own security competencies. As a result, a breach in any one of these systems can expose the entire healthcare organizations data. Here, Hoffman makes an argument that healthcare providers should simplify their solutions to better assess and monitor the risks.

5. McNamee, M. J., & Edwards, S. D. (2006). Transhumanism, Medical Technology and Slippery Slopes. Journal of Medical Ethics, 32(9), 513–518.

In this journal article, McNamee looks to identify how medical technology can lead to negative elements within the healthcare profession. Here the research looks to provide evidence that technology can often expose critical health information to others, thus undermining the overall benefit of technology. Likewise, the heavy reliance on technology often removes many of the more critical decision making necessary to properly treat other human beings properly.

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