Movie The Breakfast Club Term Paper

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¶ … Characters have to be interesting enough for the audience to care about what happens to them. The plot of the movie should make the audience think. The movie must capture the attention of the audience and keep them wanting more. The Breakfast Club is a recognized classic that meets all three of these criteria. In the movie, The Breakfast Club, the characters are high school stereotypes. Andrew is the jock, Allison is the misfit, Brian is the nerd, John is the rebel, and Claire is the prom queen. The characters in this movie remind each audience member of someone they knew in high school, maybe even themselves....


Each of the characters in The Breakfast Club exists to some degree in every high school in the United States. The audience can relate to the characters because they are stereotypes, and that is exactly what makes them interesting to the audience.
The plot of The Breakfast Club most definitely gives the audience something to think about. The movie stereotypes high school students, and the audience members either fit into one of the stereotypes themselves or know someone else who does. This makes the audience reflect on not only the image they portray to other people, but also the judgments they make about other people. Nobody in high school particularly likes being stereotyped but it is often inescapable. The pivotal scene in this movie is…

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