Reaching A Target Audience About Water Safety Research Paper


Community Mapping

I am Ember contacting the local Walmart manager Debra to talk to her about the water crisis issues. The number one health risk/hazard in the community is the water problem: the residents are constantly being reminded to boil their water. This is an ongoing problem. Residents have been advised to boil all water for at least one minute before using it for drinking, cooking, or brushing teeth. While boiling water is an effective way to kill bacteria, it is not the only precaution that residents should take. Those with compromised immune systems, young children, and older adults are especially vulnerable to bacterial infections and should take extra care to avoid contaminated water. My priority health risk hazard is this water crisis/boil alert in Jackson and addressing it appropriately.

The plan for resolving the communitys health risk priority is to provide an educational intervention (boil water before use). I want to improve compliance with the boil water alert and get people in the community to use boiled or bottled water before making ice, brushing teeth, and food preparations; educating on the local spots where bottles of water will be issued; increasing knowledge about signs and symptoms that a person...…it safe to drink.

I would offer also that it is important to be sure to include contact information for the local water utility in case people have questions or need more information. Debra would agree, and would ask that this contact information be included on any material made available for handing out. By taking these steps, I think that we can help ensure that people have the information they need to stay safe during a boil water alert. Debra would have some good ideas on how best to communicate this information to shoppers since she works and interacts with them on a daily basis:…

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