Women Are Better Listeners Than Men. Pro: Research Paper


¶ … women are better listeners than men. PRO:

More analytical

Less competitive

More emotional

More caring

More nurturing


Women only know women's issues

Men and women are different

How do you prove women are better listeners?

Men can listen too

Most men do not care about listening

Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime.


Public enjoys executions

Crime still exists where death penalty is in effect

Criminals don't think they will be caught

Turns people into martyrs

Death penalty takes too long to impose


Death is always a deterrent

More publicized more deterrent

Do it more quickly, less appeals

Death penalty is historical

Brings about closure

Hard sciences such as math are more difficult than soft sciences like sociology.


Hard science has concrete answers

Hard science uses formulas and numbers

Hard science are less abstract

Hard science is provable


Soft sciences involve more theory
2. Soft sciences are not as concrete with well defined answers

3. Soft sciences need more thought

4. Soft sciences involve people, not very predictable

5. Soft sciences need researchers to be more creative

D. The production and sale of cigarettes must be outlawed for the health of the American public.


1. Cigarettes causes many physical problems.

2. Cigarettes contain dangerous drugs

3. Cigarettes cannot be smoked without effecting others

4. Second hand some causes problems for non-smokers

5. Cigarette effects cost everyone in society


1. Research is not conclusive

2. American have right to harm themselves

3. Second hand smoke is negligible

4. Tobacco is major employer

5. Taxes from tobacco are important to government

E. The university should reduce tuition for those students who maintained an A

average last year.


1. Incentive for students to get A's

2. Helps students in economic bad times

3. Tuition can be written off in school's financial books

4. Incentive to attract more and better…

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"Women Are Better Listeners Than Men Pro " (2011, June 19) Retrieved May 8, 2024, from

"Women Are Better Listeners Than Men Pro " 19 June 2011. Web.8 May. 2024. <

"Women Are Better Listeners Than Men Pro ", 19 June 2011, Accessed.8 May. 2024,

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