Critique Essays (Examples)

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Critique of Article: Health and Safety in the Engineering Classroom

1 The type of research is descriptive, to elicit statistics on how prevalent safety and health instruction is in the normal college engineering curriculum.
2. Yes, the problem is clearly stated. "The Professional Engineer's Code of Ethics includes the responsibility 'to hold paramount the public safety, health and welfare,' and yet several recent reports suggest that few undergraduate engineering programs include any structured course material relevant to identifying environmental threats to health and controlling occupational and public health and safety hazards." (Introduction, p. 1, par. 2, lines 1-4)
3. Yes, the research questions are defined, albeit indirectly through the use of tables and "subsets" of the questions asked. One table lists the reasons why professors do include instruction on health and safety in their classes, while the other addresses the reasons they would not include such instruction. While the questions themselves….

Learning and Development Critique
Because of the complexity of the human mind and brain function, teaching and learning can be a complicated process. For this reason, it is often better to use a combination of approaches to ensure that teaching and learning occurs in an optimal way. The modified approach that has been suggested is the Intel-Hybridism theory, which combines Skinner's behaviorism theory and Piaget's cognitive development theory in order to provide a balanced basis for teaching and learning within a very deamnding environment. The combination of these two theories into a type of hybridism ensures that the strengths of both theories complement each other while also eliminating the individual weaknesses of each. As such, a stronger approach is developed by using what is best about both theories.

Skinner's beahviorism, for example, concerns the perfection of concepts that have been previously learned, whereas Piaget relies on powerful syntax for the promotion of….

Mother Readings: Summary/Critique
In these readings, the role of single-motherhood and other nontraditional family models are examined for their role in the intergenerational perpetuation of poverty, especially in light of current United States assistance and taxation policy regarding children of single mothers and general family assistance. arfinkel et al. (1998) trace the development of current perceptions of single-mother families and other non-traditional family arrangements to the social stigmas and resultant policies of the decades following World War II, during which time a noticeable shift in recipients of family assistance occurred, moving away from widows and towards divorcees and women who had never been married. Much of their case about the social dogma that appears to be behind policy is made from an interpretation of divorce proceedings of the 1960s and 70s. The authors see a strong correlation in the eradication of a gender preference in custody matters to the level….

Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made itself one with the chill, colorless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and the ghostly stag in a pale fantastic world that seemed to be vanishing from the daylight. (Eliot, XXVIII)
However it is worth noting the implicit paradox expressed here in the notion of a married woman's "oppressive liberty." Dorothea Brooke marries sufficiently well that she is not condemned to a life of constantly cooking and washing underwear for Casaubon -- instead, she finds herself without anything to do, and this "freedom" from labor is actually what is most oppressive here. In some sense, then, Eliot's analysis of the problems of marriage is subsidiary to a larger point about women's social role and even educational status (an issue that obsessed Victorians in works ranging from the serious, in Tennyson's The Princess, to the silly,….

Nursing problem addressed by this research is the level of confidence that patients in nursing homes and their family members have with respect to tests and treatments that occur in the residential nursing home rather than in a clinical or hospital setting. It is understandable that patients and family members might be concerned that the quality of care is not the same across all settings. And nursing homes are working hard to establish higher standards of care and to repair their (sometimes) tarnished reputations.
Nurses understand that the mind and body connection is very strong, and that a belief in the value of a treatment can impact the results that are experienced by that treatment. From this perspective, it is clear that nurses need to be engaged in processes that help to bolster the confidence of patients and their loved ones in the treatment plans and medical tests that they receive.….

Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III)
This is a paper that reports and critiques the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III). It has sources in APA format.

Standardized testing has become a norm for structuring studies on human behaviors. Studies on cognitive abilities, performance, behavior pattern as well as memory testing all have a great deal of dependence on the choice of the kind of tests adopted and the validity of the test is also dependent on the instruments used by the researcher. In the traditional model of assessment, psychologists and other professionals of similar fields depend on surveys and long duration of studies to be able to come to certain objective conclusions.

However, in the modern scientific environment, such assessments can be done through the use and support of instruments that are easily available as "kits" in the market. The basic aim of these instruments is to enable professionals to assess different objectives enabling….

Competitor Benchmark Critique
The objective of this project is to use the competitor benchmark to compare the following websites:

The audience of the two websites include tourists, holiday makers and people seeking to have a nice time.

The study uses the functionality, marketing tactics, navigation, content, usability, multimedia and e-commerce for the benchmark analysis.

Look and Feel

A comparative analysis of the two websites reveals that scores higher than the second website in term of font style, and screen. The color content of the is better by using the white color in the background and dark colors on top of the white color. The strategy makes the font be more readable to the user than the font of the website. Moreover, the screen of the is better than the screen of the second website making the contents be more readable to users. The also uses the flash video to….

Grossman, Chaloupka & Sirtalan (1995) conducted a study in which they examined alcohol addiction. This empirical research was carried out to review and enhance the empirical literature regarding sensitivity to alcohol consumption and extreme consumption to variations in prices of alcoholic beverages. These researchers based their study on a model of rational addictive behavior that focuses on the link between past, current, and future consumption of a potentially addictive product. The study found that alcohol consumption among young adults is addictive on the basis that increases in past or future consumption contributes to an increase in current consumption. This paper provides a review and critique of this study based on its structure and content and the recommended content sections of a research study.
Elements Influencing the Believability of the Research
Is the report well written - concise, grammatically correct, avoid the use of jargon? Is it well laid out and organized?
The research….

Hourly Nurse Rounds
Critiquing Validity and Robustness of Research in Hourly Nurse Rounds

There are different kinds of studies that are carried out in the nursing field to examine various issues in patient care. An understanding of these issues requires examining these studies to gain insights and inform practice. This paper evaluates two studies on the impact of hourly nurse rounds in lessening falls, pressure ulcers, and call light while increasing patient satisfaction based on evidence-based practice.

Olrich, Kalman & Nigolian (2012) conducted a qualitative study to examine the impact of hourly nurse rounds on fall rates, use of call light, and patient satisfaction in an inpatient unit with medical-surgical patients (p.23). The report is well-written and organized with clear title, accuracy and unambiguous. The authors have not provided a research question that reflects the identified phenomenon and guides the research process. The researchers did not conduct a comprehensive review of numerous….

Critique on Classes

entity; classes are a different thing altogether. By classes, one comprehends Marx to convey sections among individuals in proportion to the specific situations they inhabit in the class development, to the detailed ways in which they personalize class developments. Individuals partake in class processes; they in so doing inhabit class situations or positions. Some individuals execute compulsory and additional labor-Marx's direct makers-while others remove or correct excess labor. Thus making Marx's conceptualization of class multifaceted.
First, an individual can and generally does inhabit more than one class station and so becomes a participant of additional classes. Second, Marx postulates more than the two class situations defined as the players and extractors of excess labor. The adjective, "fundamental," makes headway to broadcast another category of class development and therefore another set of classes. The convolution of Marx's notion of class also materializes in the progress of relating it to social scrutiny.….

Individual Critique of a Quantitative Analysis eport
"A andomized Control Trial of Continuous Support in Labor by a Lay Doula:" a Critique of a Quantitative Analysis eport

The process of giving birth places exceptional strain on a mother and is associated with significant risks and complications. According to a recent report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 32.3% of all births in 2009 were delivered via cesarean section, a record rate (Martin et al., 2011). There are substantial risks involved with such a procedure for the mother as well as the child. Prolonged labor can increase the likelihood of having to perform a cesarean section (Lopez-Zeno, Peaceman, Adashek & Socol, 1992), while labor analgesia is also associated with a number of serious complications (Norris et al., 1994). The benefits of supportive care for women during labor are well established in the literature but nonetheless present a substantial financial burden….

1) While Caffarella and Barnett (2000) indicate that critique is the most influential element in helping learners produce a better writing product, critique can be an emotional event. Cameron, Nairn, and Higgins (2009) note that it proved helpful in their workshops to discuss the emotions that emerged as students prepared to give and receive feedback. What is the role of critique in the development of a researcher and scholar? In what ways can it positively contribute to a learner’s academic success? In what ways can it have a negative effect?
The role of academic critique, at its heart, is to offer a differing perspective that will review and assess the writing. It can be a teacher or professor that does the critique. It can also be a peer that does the critique. The danger, intended or not, when someone else does a critique is that the person receiving the critique will….

COMMUNICATING POFESSIONALLY Communicating Professionally: Critique of Presentation Software and ToolsPresenting information in presentation software could be a useful method to idssr4inate visual information that would be fast enough to connect with the audience. It is more versatile and interactive, along with a plethora of information that could be infused within a few slides. This paper examines some of the presentation software and well-known tools for the said purpose.Comparison of Two ToolsCanvaAdvantages, disadvantagesOne of the major advantages that presentation software should offer is real-time collaboration (Spencer, 2020). Canva is one of those names instantly coming to mind when talking about letting the peers edit inside the presentation. It has more than one million templates to be used easily with creative graphics and informative layouts. The variety of content that could be added within the pages is an extra value that makes it the right choice for speedy presentations.Presentations on Canva can….

, pp.69-70.] [5: Ibid., p.85.]
The rather stern critique offered of Fee and Stuart herein should not indicate that this book is entirely without value, merely that its presentation in title and chapter headings is somewhat misleading. There is plenty of common sense in what Fee and Stuart are doing here, but the difficulty is that very often an intelligent decision on their part is mingled with an overall failure to highlight many of the most important issues involved in the interpretation of a iblical text. Their last chapter on Revelation indicates both the best and worst of their method. In some sense, Fee and Stuart are going to be on their most careful behavior in this passage, as the idiotic handling of Revelation by any heretic with a penchant for paranoia has been well-evidenced over the past two millennia. ut the history of this particular iblical book, such as has….

Stevens, 2010)
Critique of a Literature eview: Obesity Prevention Interventions for Middle-School Age Children of Ethnic Minority: A eview of the Literature

Are the search strategy and the search criteria clear? What is included in the search criteria?

The research strategy and search criteria are clearly outlined in several sections of the literature review paper. The author identifies the "search terms" and "purpose" of the review in the abstract of the paper. Stevens declares that the literature was searched for key terms related to the purpose of finding, "interventions to reduce obesity in middle school-age children of ethnic minority." These terms are: "African-American, Hispanic, intervention prevention program, middle school-age children, Native American, obesity, review." In the "Methods" section, the author elaborates on the search strategy by listing the databases that were used to find research papers and defining the time frame (September 2008 -- November 20008) of the search. The author declares….

Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm

Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action.  Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case.  Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them.  In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

One of the biggest differences between African philosophy and sociology and Western and Eastern philosophies and social structures is the role that religion, individuals, and the community play.  While many Western and Eastern philosophical forces are focused on external elements and often feature a monotheistic God, African philosophy is more focused on the concept of a vital force which is not only the force of life for the individual but also for the rest of the world.   This is a fairly consistent concept across central and southern Africa, though it becomes less....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Critique of Article Health and Safety in

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Critique of Article: Health and Safety in the Engineering Classroom 1 The type of research is descriptive, to elicit statistics on how prevalent safety and health instruction is in…

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3 Pages


Critique of Teaching and Learning

Words: 935
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Learning and Development Critique Because of the complexity of the human mind and brain function, teaching and learning can be a complicated process. For this reason, it is often better…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Critiques of Single Mother Readings

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Mother Readings: Summary/Critique In these readings, the role of single-motherhood and other nontraditional family models are examined for their role in the intergenerational perpetuation of poverty, especially in light…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Critique of Marriage in 19th Century English Literature

Words: 1588
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made itself one with the chill, colorless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and…

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3 Pages


Critique of a Qualitative Nursing Study

Words: 811
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing problem addressed by this research is the level of confidence that patients in nursing homes and their family members have with respect to tests and treatments that occur…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Critique of the Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition WMS III

Words: 3122
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III) This is a paper that reports and critiques the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III). It has sources in APA format. Standardized testing has become a norm…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critique of Website Competitor Benchmark

Words: 1052
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Competitor Benchmark Critique The objective of this project is to use the competitor benchmark to compare the following websites: The audience of the two websites include tourists, holiday makers and…

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5 Pages


Critique of a Quantitative Study

Words: 1470
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Grossman, Chaloupka & Sirtalan (1995) conducted a study in which they examined alcohol addiction. This empirical research was carried out to review and enhance the empirical literature regarding sensitivity…

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5 Pages


Critique of Studies on Hourly Nurse Rounds

Words: 3873
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Hourly Nurse Rounds Critiquing Validity and Robustness of Research in Hourly Nurse Rounds There are different kinds of studies that are carried out in the nursing field to examine various…

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4 Pages


Critique on Classes

Words: 992
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

entity; classes are a different thing altogether. By classes, one comprehends Marx to convey sections among individuals in proportion to the specific situations they inhabit in the class…

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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Individual Critique of a Quantitative Analysis Report

Words: 1882
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Critique of a Quantitative Analysis eport "A andomized Control Trial of Continuous Support in Labor by a Lay Doula:" a Critique of a Quantitative Analysis eport The process of giving…

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2 Pages

Education - Higher Education

Importance of Academic Critique

Words: 662
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

1) While Caffarella and Barnett (2000) indicate that critique is the most influential element in helping learners produce a better writing product, critique can be an emotional event. Cameron,…

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3 Pages

Information Technology

Critique of Presentation Software and Tools Communicating Professionally

Words: 1003
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Critique

COMMUNICATING POFESSIONALLY Communicating Professionally: Critique of Presentation Software and ToolsPresenting information in presentation software could be a useful method to idssr4inate visual information that would be fast enough to…

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6 Pages
Book Review

Mythology - Religion

Book Critique Fee and Stuart

Words: 2003
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Review

, pp.69-70.] [5: Ibid., p.85.] The rather stern critique offered of Fee and Stuart herein should not indicate that this book is entirely without value, merely that its presentation in…

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2 Pages


Stevens 2010 Critique of a Literature Review

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Stevens, 2010) Critique of a Literature eview: Obesity Prevention Interventions for Middle-School Age Children of Ethnic Minority: A eview of the Literature Are the search strategy and the search criteria…

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