Gay Marriage There Are Many Arguments Both Term Paper


Gay Marriage There are many arguments both for and against gay marriage. It is a hotly debated topic in many countries around the world at present. It has become legal in certain countries: Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and Canada, have recently legalized it. Should same-sex couples, committed to a long-term monogamous relationship, be allowed to marry? This paper will outline the major arguments that have been put forward by both the advocates and opponents of gay marriage.

The main arguments that are put forth in favor of same-sex marriage are as follows: banning gay marriage would be a form of discrimination; legalizing it does not hurt anyone in any way; gay marriages...


Banning same-sex marriage would restrict freedoms of choice, and relegates some of the population to the status of second-class citizens. Since most countries in the West have laws which prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians, this is a very strong ethical and legal argument. Moreover, the proponents argue that extending or legalizing same-sex marriages will in no way hurt heterosexuals or result in the benefits of marriage being somehow reduced.
There are some compelling points to be made in opposition to gay marriage. The main issues that are brought forward in this regard are as follows: homosexual acts are immoral; marriage is a fundamental and unchangeable institution which has traditionally united persons of the opposite sex; same-sex couples can't have children; same-sex parenting is not as good as traditional parenting; allowing gay marriage…

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"Gay Marriage There Are Many Arguments Both", 07 November 2005, Accessed.23 April. 2024,

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