Culture Of The Baroque The Term Paper


At the time, the understanding was that state must be relatively autonomous from major religious concerns. The post-reformation European political theorists believed that Europe had experienced the religious conflict within states and between states, with support from the church. This experience called for a change in the relations between European religious institutions and political institutions.

5. Conquest and Colonization of the New World

The centralization of Spain as a state within independent power from the nobles, led to its absolution from Western Europe. This led to the softened the estate system, released personnel and forces from commoner estate, with its effects having significant consequences in the conquest and colonization of the New World. The Spanish conquest and colonization of America was further fueled by their military struggle following its success with the Muslims in Europe. Their military strength implied that Spain, the conqueror and controller of America had the necessary resources to main their position and expands across the continent. The 15th century saw the establishment of colonies across the continent as part of a large overseas empire...


Some of these are Cabildo or colonial institutions like the Encomienda, through which Spain funded the participants in the conquering of the New World. These institutions adopted the principle of right of conquest with the use of military exploits of the Basque country, Asturias, and re-conquest lands or the Hidalgos. Through the colonial institutions, Spanish nobility sought personal glory and recognition by exploiting and conquering the New World, and settlers. They also sought land and settlement under a Christian policy initiated by the Pope in the 14th century, which continued with Spanish settlers in the New World. The conquest and colonization of the New World covered the entire American continent as settlers sought after exclusive and preferential rights to land, spoils, and assets. As nobles received the largest shares, the reconstruction also saw commoners seek for land, assets, and spoils, leading to the spread of settlers across the New…

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