Chinese Tourism For Hotels Just As The Essay

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Chinese Tourism for Hotels Just as the 4ps are no longer sufficient to capture the sophisticated buyer of regular goods, the inquiring traveler is part of a larger network of service consumers who has a need more. And that's why the now recognized 7ps can play a major role in reaching out to tourist customers who come from different cultures or otherwise have an expectation of being part of something special that recognizes their passing needs (Khanna, 2011).

It is for this reason that many hotels that have an interest in the massively growing Chinese tourism sector have already turned their attention to this unique, well-informed, and rather well prepared community of buyers (Chen, L., 2011). As with any other customer, Chinese visitors want to be greeted with a sense of detail that at least tips its hat to the fact that both parties to the transaction respect what the other has to offer. The forward-thinking hotel operator might well even find that the newest community of Chinese visitors could actually be shaping the game of success that other groups may soon learn to appreciate.

Take, for example, the fact that the Chinese government is far ahead of other nations in realizing that tourism is a critical factor in advancing not only their own but the entire world's sense of economic vitality and growth (Dragon Trail, June 2010). They have targeted this fact directly and have taken steps to ensure that their people are prepared to be spending and authenticity ambassadors. But with the convenience of new media connectivity, it is becoming clear that individual travelers have begun to demonstrate for themselves that they want to be treated as individuals and they want to know about the best places to shop, eat and learn just like we do! Which is why some even rather unusual places across the globe have started connecting these same dots. In a recent publication by the Sarovah Hotels (2011) that serve East Africa and Kenya, they not only focus on the Chinese community of visitors, they do so with an emphasis on the fact that "Value...


Still, there are ways to be smart and unique. Say, by focusing on sports. The Chinese tourism sector has recognized that many of their residents are intrigued by this and may be looking for links through where they go and where they stay (Dragon Tail, Jan. 2011). The organizers of the America's Cup for 2012 have recognized this have made directed outreach to Chinese tourists because of the fact that the boating events are in the formidably popular San Francisco Bay Area. (See Imagine what this could mean to small hotel proprietors who are nearby but who could otherwise have not thought about the value of this desire?

But there is much more to traveling life than sports, shopping or even arts and history. Many communities have business interests that now reach across the globe, and they may be an incentive to invite visitors from abroad. Raleigh does; and so does Kenya. Or what about the other competitive event that Americans and Chinese aspire to? Successful educational achievement. A small town in California called Benicia ( is widely praised for being an impressive community for encouraging its students to thrive and prepare for collect. Why might not some Chinese be interested in meeting educators or successful students to learn about the local realities of this pastime? It could even help them want to learn more about the 7ps of hotel desirablity!

THE 7 HOTEL P's START WITH PRODUCT: The hotel itself is a big part of the tourism product. And those in this part of the business have to make their spaces desirable. With an estimated $1 trillion in spending power, tourists of all kinds have to know where to lay down when they…

Sources Used in Documents:


Chen, L. 2011, Chinese Tourism, A potential bounty for U.S. hotels. HVS. Retrieved from

Khanna, R. (n.d.), Service Marketing. Retrieved from

Dragon Tail (June 2010), China takes lead in global tourism industry recovery. Retrieved from

Dragon Tail (January 2011), 'Sports Tourism' will be the new spotlight for Chinese outbound tourism. Retrieved from
Sarovah Hotels (2011), Tourism Trends 2012. Retrieved from

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"Chinese Tourism For Hotels Just As The", 21 October 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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