Computer Technology -- Software Application Research Paper


The various options and possible settings pertain to issues that most computer users do not even know exist, let alone what they do or how they interrelate with other elements of the computer (Kizza, 2005). About the only time most computer users ever view or make changes to system software settings is during troubleshooting and diagnostic procedures at the direction of computer specialists or technicians (Kizza, 2005). Typical examples of the way that most computer users access system software settings is when they are experiencing computer problems and technicians relay instructions for users to follow (usually over the telephone) so that the technician can conduct standard system setting and software conflict checks remotely. Usually those types of service calls begin with the technician instructing the user to determine the computer's operating system by clicking the "My Computer" icon, then "Properties" and then the "General" tab to identify the operating system (Kizza, 2005).

The only other...


Sometimes new software applications (as well as new computer hardware) can require system setting changes to accommodate those new applications or hardware without causing a conflict with existing system. Computer users also routinely update or change the specific program applications on their computers based on what kind of work they are doing and what types of things they wish to do with their computers. They rarely make changes to the operating system software because it runs strictly "in the background" so to speak.

Evans, H. (2004). They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine

Two Centuries of Innovators. New York: Little Brown & Co.

Kizza, J.M. (2005). Computer Network Security.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Evans, H. (2004). They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine

Two Centuries of Innovators. New York: Little Brown & Co.

Kizza, J.M. (2005). Computer Network Security. New York: Springer.

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