Controversial Bioethical Issues Of The Term Paper

(MMMC, 2002) They argue that to use intelligence and compassion as a sliding scale of the right to life would cause many humans to be justified out of existence. However, even if one accepts that too many animals are experimented upon, and researchers should use other means, it is similarly hard to justify the elimination of all animal experimentation, altogether, as this would have meant the end of such recent drug developments in AIDS research, as well as more questionable animal tests, as for instance, the use of rabbits in cosmetic testing, for which there are acceptable substitutes that do not require animals.

Works Cited

Bayliss, Francoise. (2004) "Our Cells/Ourselves: The Ethics of Embryonic...


Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at
BBC News. (Feb 12, 2004)"Q & A: Cloned Embryos." BBC Official Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

Bird, Gloria W. And Sporkowuski, Michael J. (1992) Taking Sides. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. Guilford, CT. (Feb 12, 2004)" Scientists 'cloned human embryos' CNN News Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

MacDonald, Chris. (2004) "Stem Cells." The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

Medical Research Modernization Committee. (2002) Official Website.

Rowan, Andrew N. "Animal experimentation." (12 Jan 2005) World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. Retrieved 12 Jan 2005 at .

Storey, Grayce P. (2000) "Ethical Problems Surrounding Surrogate Motherhood." Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Bayliss, Francoise. (2004) "Our Cells/Ourselves: The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Stem Cell Network. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

BBC News. (Feb 12, 2004)"Q & A: Cloned Embryos." BBC Official Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

Bird, Gloria W. And Sporkowuski, Michael J. (1992) Taking Sides. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. Guilford, CT. (Feb 12, 2004)" Scientists 'cloned human embryos' CNN News Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at
MacDonald, Chris. (2004) "Stem Cells." The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at
Rowan, Andrew N. "Animal experimentation." (12 Jan 2005) World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. Retrieved 12 Jan 2005 at .
Storey, Grayce P. (2000) "Ethical Problems Surrounding Surrogate Motherhood." Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at

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