Education -- Teaching Observations And Research Paper


The materials for this module consisted of individual sets for each group that were easily assembled into experimental designs utilizing different types of soil, inclined planes, and water dispensed through variable means to closely simulate natural erosion processes (Huber & Moore, 2001). According to the teacher, the use of the materials dramatically increased student interest and also subject matter retention of the same Earth Science concepts that are typically the subject of passive learning via textbook reading assignments and lectures by teachers (Huber & Moore, 2001). The teacher credited the hands-on involvement as well as the design of the lessons to emphasize critical thinking and inquiry-based analyses with the ability to sustain the high level of student interest.

The teacher also explained that much contemporary research in education has been dedicated to identifying and understanding the different types of human intelligences (Gardner, 1999). According to her, there are at least six other distinct types of 21st Century.

New York: Basic Books.

Huber RA and Moore CJ. "A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based" School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 101, No. 1, (2001): 32.

Sources Used in Documents:


Gardner H. (1999). Intelligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century.

New York: Basic Books.

Huber RA and Moore CJ. "A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based" School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 101, No. 1, (2001): 32.

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