Foreseeing Death And Intentionally Bringing Upon Death Ethics And Morality Essay

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Ethics and Morality: Foreseeing Death and Intentionally Bringing Upon Death

James Rachels has used Smith and Joness hypothetical example and tried to defend his position that there is no moral difference amid killing and letting die. In my opinion, the example is only one scenario that has been used to explain the moral difference. However, there is a possibility that one action that is considered moral could not be applied to another situation. Therefore, the fundamental moral difference would lie in the intention of the patients death and whether he has willed for it or not. Again, the two cannot be compared since the intention plays an integral part; injecting harm to the patient for his death and letting him die on his own are two different things that involve a moral spectrum of two kinds (Preston).

Moreover, medical ethics has moved forward to distinguishing between these situations by determining correctly between active and passive euthanasia. All do not understand the moral symmetry principle, and thus, this principle is rejected by numerous people (Tooley). The confusion of being morally acceptable whether a lethal drug should be given to end his life or not giving an antidote when someone has already been poisoned with an overdose of the drug still creates a helpless confusion that seems...…action of taking off her equipment it would produce afterward, considering it to be morally effective.

In Prestons article, the same circumstance has been described with the reiteration of intent to deflect the criticism in bringing about death. Two differences were discussed in this article for defending the morphine drip concept. The first one was the intent, and the second elaborated that giving a lethal drug for ending life is the abrupt method of bringing about death which seems unethical as it is taken in terms of killing (Preston). However, morphine drip as euthanasia where the slow process of death is brought about. During the process, the family members can meet the…

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Works Cited

McIntyre, Alison. “Doctrine of Double Effect.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 28 Jul. 2004,

Preston, Thomas. “Killing Pain, Ending Life.” The New York Times, 1 Nov. 1994,

Tooley, Michael. “An Irrelevant Consideration: Killing versus Letting Die.” Killing and Letting Die, edited by Bonnie Steinbock, Prentice-Hall, 1994, pp. 55-62.

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