Social Cognition And Children Essay


Children Development Differentiating between phenomena of Theory-Theory and Theory of Mind

The 'Theory of Mind' is a cognitive-based science that examines how humans develop and ascribe mental states to people around us and how such mental states are used to foretell one's behavior and actions. It delves into the process of mental abilities and mind reading (Marraffa). 'Theory -- Theory', on the other hand, focuses on the structure of concepts, how they are acquired and applied in real life. Theory-theory points out that concepts are woven around theories and that one must first learn the theories in order to acquire the concepts (Weiskopf)

Theory of mind grows over time. The intuitive social skills appear during the infancy stage while the reflective social cognition manifests during the preschool and the preceding toddler stages. Children aged three years understand that different people want and feel different things. Such mental stance is formidable by the time they are four or five years (Astington & Margaret 16). The theory-theory view postulates that children's cognitive growth follows a template like scheme that is rigid and universal. There is an equally fixed transition order that allows access to only one distinct form of thought before another creeps in; occurring on the same schedule across a range of domains...


Some of them have lasting relationship with such peers because they meet them at the point of birth (Hay 1-6). Although such interaction is common, it is not an assured premise. Sustained and coordinated friendship begins to form at the age of around 3 yrs. The quality and quantity of child-interaction change a lot at this stage. This is where social reputations emerge, social networks differentiate and friendship centrality increases (Hartup 257).
'Moving' affects children in different ways; depending on their age. Toddlers aged three and below do not experience significant change. Research, however shows that children aged between 12 and 17 experience psychological turmoil when parents have to move them. Children aged between 6 and 11 experience limited change and effect on mental health as a result of moving (Bond). Adolescents suffer more because of their attachment to peer groups. They lose their support and strength when such links are disrupted (Bond)

factors and potential consequences of maltreatment

According to clinicians, child neglect and abuse leads to psychological, physical, behavioral, and cognitive effects (National Research Council 208). The…

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Works Cited

Astington, Janet Wilde, and Margaret J. Edward. "The development of theory of mind in early childhood." Social Cognition in Infancy* 5 (2010): 16.

BOND, ALLISON. "How Moving Effects Mental Health in Kids." Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 17 Apr. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

Hartup, Willard W. "Peer relations in early and middle childhood." Handbook of social development. Springer U.S., 1992. 257-281.

Hay, Dale F. "Early peer relations and their impact on children's development." Encyclopedia on early childhood development 1.1 (2005): 1-6.

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