Dialogism And Mockumentary Case Study

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Mockumenatries are mostly in films, television shows or radio shows. Dialogism is often in literary works or by authors in their books or novels ( Shepherd,2011). Contrast

These two genres are different in different aspects due to their structures and the purpose they are intended for.


Dialogism and mokumentary take different structures and forms. For mockumentaries they are fictional events that are presented in the firm of a documentary.in other words mockumentaries are acted as films or television shows. On the other hand dialogism takes the form of language whereby there is continuous dialogue with other authors and literature works. Dialogism therefore takes the form of real life conversations between people and how each of them expresses themselves within the dialogue on a particular subject matter ( Jones, 2003).


The intended purposes of these two literature genres are very different. The purpose of mockumenatries is to carry out some analysis or give commentaries on certain issues with the use of a fictional setting. This means that there are some issues which can be best expressed if they...


Therefore mockumenatries can be used to drive a point home and emphasis through film or television shows. There are several examples of mockumentaries such as CSA; Confederate States of America a 2004 mockumentary that presented an alternate history whereby confederacy won the America civil war. Another example Thomas, which is a German, shot mocklumentary about city archivist Wolfgang Weber who proves that a director of Ayuredic clinic is a reincarnation of an Irish mining pioneer. These two examples depict a certain historical event that is expressed through the mockumentaries. The mockumentaries in both cases are used as away of expressing these events through film (Jones, 2003
Dialogism has various purposes which include correcting, answering, silencing or extension of previous work by an author.at the same time it also informs and itself is continuously informed by the [previous work of an author. Dialogism also acts as a form of communication where multiple works are involved. Bakhtin emphasized that there is particular use of language that maximized this dialogic nature of words as well as other uses which attempted to restrict or limit their polyvocality.it involves various languages and registers being allowed to interact as well as respond to each other.an example of dialogism is found in Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia (Shepherd,2011).

Sources Used in Documents:


Shepherd, D.(2011). Dilaogism. Retrieved April 3,2014 from http://wikis.sub.uni-hamburg.de/lhn/index.php/Dialogism

Jones M., (2003). Reception, Difference, and the 'Documentary-Collage'. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from http://www.uwo.ca/english/canadianpoetry/cpjrn/vol35/jaeger.htm

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