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The Effect Of Divorce On Childhood Development

Peer Responses
Peer 1 Sovianno

Correlation analysis could be interesting with regard to the passing down of historical trauma from parents to children. Are you doing qualitative or quantitative research? If qualitative, I might consider doing exploratory research and maybe using grounded theory with interviews to collect information. I like qualitative research because it allows one to generate ideas and form hypotheses based on data. However, if you already have an idea in mind and want to test a correlation between variables, then you could perhaps conduct some kind of quantitative research, maybe using the survey method (Newman, 2016). I would try to build on what Gittleman (2006) has examined and see if there is some gap in the research that needs to be addressed and then decide which approach is best for addressing that gap. Overall, I think your idea is a good one and could work, but I want to know more about what your correlation analysis is going to look like. You will want to define your variables. You will also want to consider your sample and how you will collect a sample of participants.


Martin Gittleman. (2006). The Holocaust, Racism, Mental Illness. Retrieved by (Links to an external site.)

Newman, M. (2016). Research methods in psychology (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA:...…and the interview method for collecting data. As there are some assumptions about how divorce impacts children, these could be the focus of your exploration (Lee, Burkam, Zimiles & Ladewski, 1994). The qualitative design fits because you are not going to be testing any variables for correlation or testing a hypothesis. I would consider a case study approach or perhaps a phenomenological approach. Either will require a great deal of attention and direct observation could be very helpful in the latter. With the case study, the drawbacks are that it is not going to be highly generalizeable, although it could be if you arrange the study appropriately.


Sources used in this document:


Lee, V. E., Burkam, D. T., Zimiles, H., & Ladewski, B. (1994). Family Structure and Its Effect on Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Young Adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence (Lawrence Erlbaum), 4(3), 405–437.

Newman, M. (2016). Research methods in psychology (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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