Media The Two Media News Research Paper

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The audience here must also acquire the tools necessary to properly digest the information, as an audience accustomed to uncritical digestion of mainstream media will be challenged by the raw information presented devoid of spin and context. Works Cited:

Feldman, L. (2007). The news about comedy. Journalism. Vol 8 (4) 406-427.

Ludlow, P. (2010). WikiLeaks and hacktivist culture. The Nation. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

McCue, D. (2009). When news breaks, "the Daily Show" fixes it: Exposing social values through


University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from
Postman, N. & Power, S. (2008) How to watch TV news. Penguin Books.

Reilly, I. (2011). Satirical fake news and the politics of the fifth estate. University of Guelph. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

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Works Cited:

Feldman, L. (2007). The news about comedy. Journalism. Vol 8 (4) 406-427.

Ludlow, P. (2010). WikiLeaks and hacktivist culture. The Nation. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

McCue, D. (2009). When news breaks, "the Daily Show" fixes it: Exposing social values through satire. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

Postman, N. & Power, S. (2008) How to watch TV news. Penguin Books.
Reilly, I. (2011). Satirical fake news and the politics of the fifth estate. University of Guelph. Retrieved November 27, 2011 from

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