Oedipus And Antigone Questions Answered Term Paper


We learn that women are very dependent on the men in their lives for social standing. Creon is more sympathetic than Oedipus. While he is very straightforward, he does not express the same opinions for Oedipus that Oedipus does to him. When Oedipus does not hear the answer he wants, he becomes arrogant and then tells Creon he is not a good friend. He even goes on to accuse him of being "evil incarnate" (II.111). Creon actually tries to change Oedipus' mind while Oedipus is nothing but a man on a mission and no one should get in his way. Creon does not change his position throughout the entire play and from this, we can gather that Creon is more stable than Oedipus.

Antigone acts as she does because she firmly believes in her cause. She is a hero because she refuses to change her position. She acts the way she does because she can see the difference between life and the law. Because she is able to make this distinction, she knows that she is dying for a just cause and can do so without fear or guilt. She tells Ismene that she will bury her brother...


Her commitment is rare and her actions indicate that religion and women are.
Absolute power in the hands of the government is not a good thing. When the government becomes too big, it begins to trample on individual rights, as we see with Antigone. Antigone was a victim of a government too large that could not see the individual anymore because of the legal red tape. People were not respected because the law came first and this was a great injustice. Antigone had to give her life to prove this point.

Works Cited

Sophocles. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus and Colonus. Robert Fagles, trans. New York: Penguin Books. 1980.

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Works Cited

Sophocles. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus and Colonus. Robert Fagles, trans. New York: Penguin Books. 1980.

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