Antigone Is One Of The Research Paper

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However, there are a number of similarities in the two writings, ranging from the dominance of men over women to the determination of women to do as they please, with no care whatsoever of the consequences that their actions have on themselves. "My Duchess" does not actually bring proof to support the concept that the duchess is actually dead, thus leading one to believe that she did not receive the same treatment as Antigone did. Even with that, it is difficult to ignore how the Duke prides himself when talking about how he managed to suppress his wife. To a certain extent, both the Duke and Creon are satisfied knowing that they imposed their authority, but at the same time they seem to feel sorry that they had to resort to such an act.

6. Evilness of Creon

Creon's behavior across the play certainly influences most individuals in the audience to despise him. However, he is not very different to Antigone, as they are both dedicated to serving their beliefs, but they are both ignorant to the harm that they provoke by doing this. It is characteristic for a leader to punish disobedience, regardless of the circumstances.

7. Does the play meet Aristotle's Definition of Tragedy?

Aristotle's concept of a tragedy involved the audience being able to distinguish between the...


This is not an easy task when considering Antigone, with Creon and Antigone both being liable to be identified as tragic heroes. It is very possible that Aristotle appreciated the play for the tragic elements that it promoted, but it is less probable that he agreed that it is a tragedy.
8. Relevance of the play's ending

The ending of Antigone can be considered to be an example of how immoralities do not pay in the long run. Creon denies Antigone the ride to look after her family and is eventually denied the right to have a family himself. He also refuses to accept the love story between his Haemon and Antigone, only to see that his wife commits suicide and their love story ends as a result.

9. Modern Day Relevance

Antigone can be likened to a feminist in the present day, as she promotes values characteristic to influential individuals and does not see her gender as an impediment in her way to bring justice. Also, Antigone's character is comparable to a modern day hero. Mahatma Gandhi for example, made good use of civil disobedience in his fight against the British Empire and he pressed his case in spite of the fact that he was fighting a very large power.

10. Conclusion

Antigone is virtually a hallmark for the tragedy genre, even with the fact that it does not bring forward clear tragic elements. Sophocles managed to present his audiences with a well written tragic text that is likely to have today approximately the same effect that it had when it was first used in plays.

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