Personal Statement When Asked Where Research Proposal


For instance, as the Project Engineer for KUDU Corporate, I was responsible for completing such tasks as negotiating with vendors, achieving optimization, and planning the completion of projects. In doing this, I had to carefully consider not only the financial and material aspect of the projects, but also the social and personnel aspects of these various projects. Through this, I learned that the art of dealing with people plays a major role in both the role of the construction/real-estate manager and the engineer. Although this is only one way in which the two are related, this experience opened my eyes as to the importance of cross-discipline study in the area of engineering. Because my attitude is open and so closely aligned with the goals of this University, I am confident that I will make an excellent addition to your PhD program. My work in other areas of your university has been satisfactory, and I have an open mind, as well as a desire to learn and apply the skills...


I am convinced that engineering is the science that will change the world, and I am devoted to this discipline because I have the desire to make a difference. But even more important than engineering is the art of making connections, drawing upon previously obtained skills and knowledge. While I understand that having this knowledge has the potential to create bias, I am dedicated to eliminating this possibility and simply using this prior knowledge to make me an engineer. Thus, I believe I am a well-qualified candidate for your program. I want to earn this degree so that I might continue to learn how to make useful connections that will change the world.

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