Persuasive Letter Essays (Examples)

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Persuasive Letter
Pages: 2 Words: 714

Persuasive Letter from a Brother to a Sister

To My Only and Cherished Sister Anne,

The first thing I want you to know or to remind you of is that I love you. I respect your decisions as an adult, but that does not mean that I always agree with them. I know that things have never been easy for us. Life is not easy for any one. I want you to remember that you always have options; you always have choices, and you always have me. I am not sure how you feel about me these days, but I am telling you now that no matter what, you can rely on me. We relied on each other growing up and we can rely on each other now. I miss you. I miss my sister. Do you remember making one loaf of bread last a month? Do you remember how tough it…...



Scanlon, PhD, W. (2012) The Structured -- Family Intervention: Behavior Problems & Drug Addictions. Available from 2012 June 29.

Persuasive Letter
Pages: 5 Words: 1464

Office of the Mayor

200 East Santa Clara Street, San Jose CA 95113

Mr. David Kirchhoff

President and Chief Executive Officer

Weight Watchers International, Inc.

175 Crossways Park West

Woodbury, New York 11797

Dear Mr. Kirchhoff:

Proposal for a Joint Venture

Your organization will be well aware as we are that America has earned the reputation as the most overweight nation in the world (alagso & Fenstersheib, 2010). The situation has become so serious as to become a national threat to our security in that 2 out of 3 adults are obese or overweight. The figure has doubled among children and tripled among teenagers. In our city, more than half of all adults and a quarter of middle and high school children are overweight or obese. We both know that this condition increases the risk of major health problems, which, in our City alone, cost more than $500 million annually. This figure is expected to rise to…...



Balagso A and Fenstersheib, M. (2010). A health profile for the city of San Jose focusing on obesity. Item # 3. Retrieved on July 31, 2011 from

IOTF Secretariat (2011). The global challenge of obesity and the international obesity task force. International Obesity Task Force: International Union of Nutritional

Sciences. Retrieved on July 31, 2011 from 

NIGH (2011). A United Nations decade for a health world 2011-2020. eGroup

Persuasive Letter
Pages: 2 Words: 493

Statement of Proposition: The audience should gain from this speech a desire to vote for me, for President of the Condominium Association. The audience should not only feel a strong desire to vote for me, but should feel that it is the right thing to do, and be able to articulate a coherent argument in favor of voting for me as President of the Condo Association.

Argument #1. I am the most qualified person among the candidates for the position.

Support #1. I have experience managing a fast food franchise, including both the budget and the people.

Support #2. I have five years working with budgets, most of which were larger than the one for the condo association

Support #3. I have lived in the building for seven years and sat on the board for the association for the past three. This is more experience here than any of the others

Support #4. I worked…...

Letter From the Birmingham Jail by Martin
Pages: 2 Words: 635

Letter from the Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King, Jr., and "A Letter from the Clergy" by some leading spiritual clergy in Birmingham, Alabama. Specifically, it will summarize the two letters. Both of these letters provide compelling reasons for what the authors believe in, and they are both very persuasive and convincing in their own way.
The clergymen believe that King's actions, in creating a march that led to many arrests (including King's own arrest), is the wrong way to attempt to gain civil right for black Americans. They believe that these measures are "extreme" and not necessary for the circumstances. They write, "We also point out that such actions to incite such hatred and violence, however technically peaceful these actions might be, have not contributed to the resolution of our local problems" (Miller 486). This is persuasive for a number of reasons. First, the clergy note that even peaceful…...



Miller, Robert Keith. Motives for Writing With Student Access to Catalyst. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

Letter of Intent to Graduate Program in Human Resources Management
Pages: 2 Words: 648

Letter of intent: Diploma in Human Resources Management at McGill University
Over the course of my business career I have had the privilege of exercising leadership in a number of capacities in the marketing field. Most recently, I worked as a marketing coordinator at Best Kitchen and Bath - Modern Lamps. There, I engaged in market analysis; coordinated media-related activities; and increased the company's presence online and at tradeshows. Working for a relatively small, emerging organization was very gratifying because I was able to use my capabilities and knowledge in many different capacities. Previously, I worked for Microsoft as a marketing and sales associate. This offered me a completely different perspective on the field: my duties were highly specialized for this larger entity, and I focused specifically on the areas of organizing marketing events and performing marketing research. Both positions required me to use my quantitative as well as my qualitative…...

Letter of Recommendation to Whom it May
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Letter of Recommendation
To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Amin Jamali. I am originally from the country of Iran, but was lucky enough to come to the United States in 2002. I am writing you this letter in the hope that you will look upon me in a favorable way as a potential student for your school.

It has been my dearest wish since coming to the United States to go to college. As a student whose first language is Farsi, I hope you can understand what a challenge studying in a second language has been for me. I have worked hard in all my classes and strived to do my best in every subject. Even though I was a full time student, I also had to work full time in order to support myself and pay for my education. Besides my full time work in a restaurant, I also do…...

Letter to Supervisor
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Letter to Supervisor
Dear Supervisor:

have been working as a buyer for Sears for five years and during that time I have demonstrated dedication to the company by providing excellent service. Also, I honor the company and hope to preserve our integrity by continuing to provide the quality of product and service that our customers expect. It is with this attitude of respect that I am writing this letter. I would like to express some concern about one of our vendors, which I feel has violated our trust and can potentially undermine our respectability as a company. You as head buyer should know, therefore, that I have decided to cease making purchases from Acme Furniture Manufacturers.

One of our company's strengths is its dedication to employee diversity and cultural awareness. One look around the staff rooms or around any department floor will prove that diversity and tolerance are key words for Sears. In…...

Letter from a Birmingham Jail Analysis Essay
Pages: Words: 5159

Writing a Letter from Birmingham Jail analysis essay offers the student the gift of going back in time to the courage and ferocity of the Civil Rights Movement to examine one of the most eloquent documents of that era. The Civil Rights Era was one of the uglier periods in American history—and one of the most triumphant and inspiring. No document embodies this dichotomy as fully as King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. In it, King details many of the horrors that black Americans have suffered at the hands of white hatred and complacency. Yet, the letter is without a doubt, a document of hope and conviction, inspiration and profundity. This paper details the background circumstances that provoked King in writing the letter and examines closely the brilliance contained in the words, ultimately discussing why it remains such a lauded document even today.


Letter from Birmingham Jail is often unanimously lauded as…...

Advocacy Letter to Whom it May Concern
Pages: 3 Words: 801

Advocacy Letter
To whom it may concern,

Greetings, my name is Nurse, and I am writing to you at The New York Methodist Hospital in regards to a brewing public health crisis here in Brooklyn, NY. I am the primary care taker of the K. family that lives in this region and who is experiencing rather difficult circumstances surrounding the issue of public health. The purpose of this letter is to bring to your awareness the immediate need of your involvement towards helping the health conditions of the local environment by explaining the current circumstance I have experienced with the K. family.

A little background about the case: MK is an unemployed middle aged women who has been recently diagnosed with type I diabetes and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Her 21-year-old, daughter, LK and her one-year-old son a live in a cramped one bedroom apartment here in Brooklyn. Both MK and LK are serious smokers,…...


Works Cited

New York Methodist Hospital. Web page. Viewed 1 Dec, 2012. Retrieved from 

Global Health Risks, Report 2009. World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Job Application Letter I Am
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Consider our team's work last year with a major mining client. This company faced a difficult tax situation with regards to an operation in PNG and we were called upon to solve the problem to avoid trouble with the regulators.
Our star accountants set about this task, but the job of coordinating the effort was mine. I needed to organize the paperwork, to track the progress of the different team members and to ensure proper filing of the necessary documents with regulators. Under my direction and leadership, our partners were able to bring the problem to a smooth resolution, saving the client tens of thousands of dollars in the process.

I like to feel that my coordinating efforts and expert information management helped to make this success possible. I had a specific role on the team and I fulfilled it to the highest level. This allowed the other team members to…...

Communication Jane Lee's Letter to the Human
Pages: 2 Words: 704

Jane Lee's letter to the Human Resources Department at XYZ Solution is not effective and is unlikely to pique their interest. The letter has grammar errors that make it appear sloppy. There is too much superfluous information. The letter also does not take the audience's needs into account, and lacks the classic appeals of good persuasive writing -- logos, pathos and ethos.

The first thing Ms. Lee needs to do is to clean up the spelling and grammar. Capitalizing something like "math" and using the ampersand in mid-sentence conveys that the writer lacks professionalism. There is a word that does not exist ("flaure") and as a result a nonsensical sentence. There are other mistakes as well, and Ms. Lee will need to make significant revisions to make this a professional-caliber cover letter.

However, there are many other faults that make this an ineffective cover letter. Ms. Lee does not appear to recognize…...

Speech or Letter Currently There Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 864

Speech or Letter
Currently there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the issue of the reinstatement of the draft in the United States. There are rumors and whispers rampantly floating through the media that are frightening the general public, while the officials who are actually in the know about the subject are categorically denying such intentions. In an article written just a few days ago the Coastal Post (with no byline) contends that a military and civilian draft is inevitable by spring 2005. (Coastal Post nline (

The title of the article in and of itself is inflammatory "Military and Civilian Draft Expected in 2005 For 18- to 25-year-olds." The article goes on to state that there are two pending bills in the House and Senate (twin bills: S. 89 and HR 163) meaning Senate bill 89 and House of Representatives bill 163. The article states that those two bills,…...


One of the last bits of evidence offered by the unknown author is associated with the language of the proposed (and historically unsupported unpopular) legislation, "Congress brought twin bills, S. 89 and HR 163 forward this year...entitled the Universal National Service Act of 2003, "to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18 -- 26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." This is not a bill to reinstate a draft it is an unpopular and historically unsupported demand for compulsory military service. Voluntary service has been the popular stance since the Vietnam Era.

This work is obviously and inflammatory and unconvincing attempt at persuasion, written by someone who will remain anonymous. It dismisses the opposition by taking away its voice and clearly does not deal with counter evidence. The rhetorical appeals of the work are associated with highly emotional and trigger happy conspiracy theories, and unknown sources and experts. The article on a whole is not persuasive and despite its strong title it did not scare me at all.

Coastal Post Online "Military and Civilian Draft Expected in 2005 For 18- to 25-year-olds," July 13, 2004 at

Kentucky Letter John Jones Business Executive D V
Pages: 2 Words: 587

entucky Letter
John Jones, Business Executive

D.V. Crockett, entucky Cabinet for Economic Development

Dear John:

I understand there may be a possibility that you will be relocating your business in the next 12-18 months. I would like to introduce you to the great state of entucky, and offer my personal support in helping with your relocation decision. I am sure you've heard of our state, both its historical and economic importance to the nation. However, many people do not realie that from the moutains in the eastern part of the state o the fertile agricultural districts in the south, along with a number of developed and developing urban areas and business parks, when Daniel Boone called entucky a "second paradise," he was also speaking of the state in the 21st century!

There are several reasons to consider relocating to entucky: prime real estate at a low cost, business incentives, friendly people, a business oriented climate,…...


Kentucky is extremely friendly for businesses of all sizes. Home of not one, but two major air cargo hubs, we rank third in the United States for total air cargo -- making it easy for you to ship or receive youe needed goods. Overall, Kentucky's industrial power is quite competitive, the 6th lowest in the United States and 22% lower than the national average. Further, the state has been recognized in Site Selection's Governor's Cup Award as one of the best in the nation for industry location and expansion as of 2012. Kentucky has a competitive tax structure, and is the 6th lowest cost in the nation for new corporate headquarters. Kentucky has a skilled and motivated workforce with educational partners that work closely with industry to train and develop specific skill sets. Kentucky is ideal for most businesses because our workforce combines a mix of southern charm with a proactive Midwestern work ethic.

Kentucky wants to be a strategic partner with both new and existing companies. We will so all we can to find an appropriate location in which your business can relocate, your employees can find affordable housing and good schools, and above all, a high environmental quality of life with a government that is dedicated to being a "can-do" state. We offer a number of support programs for innovation and entrepreneuship, are close enough to the eastern seaboard to provide strategic transportation alternatives, and have a central hub location for 34-states. Indeed, Kentucky has 19 Interstates, major rail networks, barge access on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, five commercial air-hubs and an ease of service related industries to support your transportation goals.

We pride ourselves in helping businesses like yours develop a personalized strategic plan to assist your relocation efforts. It would be our pleasure to meet with you in person, show you how our state can meet your needs, and tour a number of appropriate locations that may meet your needs. One of our friendly staff consultants will be phoning you within the next few weeks, but if I may be of assistance please call at 800.626.2930 or email at -- . We look forward to showing you why the Bluegrass State may be your next home.

Memo on Evaluating How Persuasive the Letter
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Lewis, have had the opportunity to look over the letter you prepared for Ms. Smith regarding her safety concerns about our product. The letter is very professional and I commend you on your efforts. I only see one or two areas that I believe can be reworded for a more effective delivery and as we go through my evaluation we will address those areas.
A like the fact that you immediately draw the name of the EPA into the discussion. It assures the customer immediately that we are not speaking out of our own opinion, or desire to protect the company, but from studies conducted by a respected federal agency. I further commend you on comparing the ratings to common household goods that the customer can relate to in a tangible fashion. Often times just presenting numbers or percentages provides a too abstract picture for the customer. You showed her with…...

Children Start Persuading Their Parents
Pages: 3 Words: 979

Without knowing how to write persuasively, even a Harvard degree can get overlooked. Mastering persuasive writing is essential in the working world.
Persuasive writing proves exceptionally important in the working world after being hired, too. Some jobs directly demand persuasive writing skills. For example, marketing jobs might require copy writing skills; sales positions might entail writing frequent letters to clients. Whenever we need to encourage someone to use a new product or service or to continue to do business with the company in spite of recent setbacks, we need to write persuasively. Whether the letter is e-mail or type-written, persuasive writing skills are essential for success. Similarly, if we have to write a company memo, only persuasive writing skills can talk a supervisor into adopting a new communication protocol or adopting a new networking software system. Poor writing skills can even lead to being fired.

While persuasive writing seems impersonal, we…...

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