Cyberbullying Annotated Bibliography

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Cyberbullying: Annotated Bibliography
Evans, C.B.R., Cotter, K. &. Smokowski, P. (2017). Giving victims of bullying a voice:

A qualitative study of post bullying reactions and coping strategies. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 34, 543–555.

All too often, the focus of research on bullying is on the perpetrators’ motivations, rather than the long-term negative impact upon the victims. This article is valuable because it addresses the fact that adolescents who are bullied are more apt to suffer from loneliness and a sense of social isolation. Its qualitative approach, via interviewing 22 victims from the same rural setting, was designed to solicit information directly from victims themselves, and has the additional value of allowing victims to speak in their own voices of the personal impact of bullying. Coping strategies included directly asking for help from adults, and also negative strategies such as lashing out physically and verbally.

Although the study does not specifically focus upon cyberbullying, it offers documentation of the impact bullying can have on the mental health of victims. It also demonstrates how both negative and positive coping strategies may be deployed by the victim. The study surveyed middle school-age and high school-age participants, so offers a comparison of how different developmental groups may struggle with bullying. High schoolers were more apt to have suicidal ideation and engage in negative reflection about the self. Some of the most deeply affected participants reported experiences of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). All students reported skipping school to avoid their bullies. Parents and teachers showing sympathy and reaching out were identified as extremely helpful in counteracting the effects of bullying, versus...
This study specifically focuses on the negative effects of cyberbullying, and the impact of Arizona’s cyberbullying prevention programming. The subjects encompassed the parents of middle school children within the state who took the educational course. Parents who participated in the state-run anti-bullying program were more apt to believe that their children could potentially be victims or perpetrators, and were more apt to talk to their children about how to effectively cope with cyberbullying (such as telling an adult, not deleting the online evidence, and not attempting to handle the matter themselves through lashing back at the other students). This suggests that the program was helpful, and reaching out to educate parents might be helpful cyberbullying reduction strategy rather than solely placing the burden on teachers and children. It also suggests that states taking the initiative…

Sources Used in Documents:


Evans, C.B.R., Cotter, K. &. Smokowski, P. (2017). Giving victims of bullying a voice.

Reason, L. & Boyd, M. (2016). Cyberbullying in rural communities: Origin and processing through the lens of older adolescents. The Qualitative Report, 21(12), 2331-2348.

Roberto, A. J., Eden, J., Deiss, D. M., Savage, M. W., & Ramos-Salazar, L. (2017). The short term effects of a cyberbullying prevention intervention for parents of middle school students . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(9), 1038.

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"Cyberbullying" (2020, November 10) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Cyberbullying", 10 November 2020, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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