Gambling Bioethics Gambling: A Literary Review Gambling Hypothesis Chapter


Gambling Bioethics

Gambling: A literary review

Gambling has a paradoxical role in modern society -- while it is a legal and socially-acceptable activity, it can also be highly addictive and yield negative consequences for the bettor. A literary review of existing studies on gambling behavior suggests that certain factors are likely to increase the behavior of gambling activities

The higher the involved 'information search,' the higher purchase intention on casino's consumers

In general, the more investment an individual places in the process of 'information searching,' the higher the degree his or her likelihood of making a purchase. This was demonstrated in a study of apartment-seeking designed to understand information investment: "the results demonstrate that the information processing leading to choice will vary as a function of task complexity" and the more complex the decision-making and the greater the investment of time in searching information, the higher the likelihood...


Thus a gambler who 'researchers' his or her betting strategy or the game has a higher probability of making a wager.
Hypothesis 2:

The higher the involved 'pleasure,' the higher the purchase intention effect upon the casino's consumers

Compulsive gamblers manifest a higher appetite and sense of pleasure from risky behaviors of all types, and report a higher level of pleasure from taking risks from gambling than the average person. One study of 78 female and 78 male pathological gamblers found that while women and men tended to favor different types of gender-specific risk-taking behaviors, compulsive gambling is associated with a higher appetite for risk overall (Martins 2004: 1231).

Hypothesis 3:

The higher involved 'importance' (self-evaluated important degree) also has higher purchase intention on casino's consumers

It is well-established that lower-income gamblers wager a higher proportion of their salary…

Sources Used in Documents:


Derevensky, Jeffrey L., Rina Gupta and Giuseppe Della Cioppa. (1994). A developmental perspective of gambling behavior in children and adolescents. Journal of Gambling

Studies, 12 (1): 49-66

Payne, John. (2004). Task complexity and contingent processing in decision making:

An information search and protocol analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human

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"Gambling Bioethics Gambling A Literary Review Gambling" (2011, June 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Gambling Bioethics Gambling A Literary Review Gambling", 15 June 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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