Hunting Feeding And Mating Of The African Lion Research Paper

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African Lion Behavior: Hunting, Feeding, and Mating


This essay examines the behavior of the African lion in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lions are iconic animals that live in prides or groups. The said topic happens to be of interest given that the African lions are described as being top predators. For this reason, studying their behavior happens to be critical as their behavior impacts other animals in an ecosystem. Several studies have been done to explain the African lion behavior - such as hunting, feeding, and mating. This text explores those studies and other related resources with an aim of better understanding African lion behavior. One of the key objectives of this paper is to determine the feeding behavior of African lions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The write-up also aims at assessing how lions hunt to obtain food. Lion feeding habits is yet another key issue explored. A review of available literature indicates that lions a kill after every two days. In addition, most of the kills are made at night with more than twelve prey species (including livestock) on the menu. However, the male lion is often not actively involved in hunting. As has been pointed out elsewhere in this text, an assessment of the behavior of lions happens to be important in biology owing to the fact that lions are a crucial part of the entire ecosystem. Food happens to be a major factor in the general behavior of the African lion.


Lions have been described as the most successful of wild animals thriving in medium to low human densities (Dolrenry et al par 3). They are said to be distributed across the African continent specifically in most parts of the Sub-Saharan Africa and the savannas. One interesting fact about lions behavior is that they tend to mate, feed, and hunt regularly. It is important to note that African lions live and hunt in prides. Essentially, the pride comprises of several female lions, small breeding males, and cubs. The pride tends to define its territory where food is shared. It is important to note that the said territory happens to be small in that when the prey is not enough, some of the pride members may not eat. Females tend to be more active in hunting than males. In addition, they tend to be active during the night and inactive most of the time. As has been established via an exploration of various resources on lion behavior, feeding, hunting, and mating behaviors of the African lion are mostly carried out at night (San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Library). The African lion can fast for up to 8 days after eating for two consecutive days. With lions being carnivorous in nature, they hunt a wide range of animals and may stray into human settlement areas in search of food. They tend to be both scavengers and hunters (African Wildlife Foundation). The success rate of lions hunt happens to be approximately 40%. Additionally, the African lions reproduce at any time of the year. In the subsequent sections of this text, the feeding behavior, mating behavior, and hunting behavior of the African lion will be explored. Certain unique aspects of the said behaviors will also be explored.

African Lion Feeding Behavior

According to Helmenstine (par 4), lions are hyper carnivores in nature - essentially meaning that their food happens to be more of meat. According to the author, the lion can feed on a prey that is two-times its size. Lionesses tend to eat around 4.5kgs of meat a day while the male lion eats about 7kgs a day. The feeding behavior of African lion largely depends on habitat structure and availability of prey. For instance, DeSantis and Patterson suggest that wild beasts and zebras tend to be the main prey for females, whereas male lions and larger groups tend to feed mainly on ungulates which are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; topi, kongoni, warthog, Thomsons gazelle, zebra, giraffe, wild beast, buffalo, and gemsbok (par 2). However, it is important to note that lions also sometimes depend on stolen prey from animals such as jackals, cheetahs, and hyenas - essentially meaning that they are sometimes scavengers in which case they tend to bully other carnivores to get their meals. Although African lions do not prefer carcasses, they sometimes eat decays of dead animals owing to lack of live prey for survival.

With regard to habitat, DeSantis and Patterson further suggest that habitats tend to affect prey vulnerability to predation and lion preferences (par 2). Naturally, lions do not feed on...…a kill. One of the factors that makes it harder for the male lion to be an effective hunter is its massive mane. The said mane in male lions makes it difficult for them to hide from prey (Alert, par 3). Further, this mane also elevates their body temperature which makes them expend a lot of energy while hunting. Thus, it would be accurate to point out that female lions are the more skilled hunters when compared to male lions. In most cases, lions rest for many hours or even weeks after a successful hunt.

African Lion Mating Behavior

The male and female lions exhibit different looks. The males happen to be larger than the females. Sexual maturity in lions is achieved at the age of three years. However, male lions are allowed to join a pride at the age of four to five years old. This is more so the case given that at a younger age, they lack breeding rights and rights to take over a pride (Alert, par 2). Davidokul (par 3) describes the African lion as polygamous in nature whereby they tend to mate all year. Nevertheless, female lions are confined to a maximum of two males during copulation. According to the author, lions may mate after every 20 minutes in a day. Helmenstine describes the female lion as polyestrous, essentially meaning that they breed throughout the year (par 8). For instance, the author suggests that they can mate during weaning of their cubs or when their cubs die. When the female is on heat, the said copulation may take up to four consecutive days. This is often the case given that paternity of the offspring has to be secured by excluding additional males.

During mating, Alert (par 6) suggests that there is often no competition for mates. The male lion tends to follow the female when she reveals the first signs of fertility. In addition, there is often a large number of female lions who are on heat at any given time. To initiate copulation, the male strokes the female at the back or neck with its tongue. However, the larger male may fight younger males for mating rights. During mating, female lionesses are stimulated to ovulate owing to the backward-pointing spines in the male lions penis…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Alert. Predatory Behavior. 2020.

Bauer, Hans, Chapron, Guillaume, Nowell, Kristin, Henschel, Phillip, Funston, Paul, Hunter, Luke T. B., Macdonald, David W. and Packer, Craig. “Lion (Panthera leo) populations are declining rapidly across Africa, except in intensively managed areas.” PNAS, 112(48), 2015, 14894-14899.

Davidokul. Feeding, Breeding and Killing Habits of Lions (African Lion). 2020.

DeSantis, Larisa R. G. and Patterson, Bruce D. “Dietary Behavior of Man-eating Lions as Revealed by Dental Microwear Textures.” Sci Rep, 7, 2017, 904.

Helmestine, Anne M. African Lion Facts: Habitat, Diet, Behavior. 2019.

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. How we’re helping to Save the African Lion. N. d.

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