How Parents Help With Identity Formation Research Paper


Parenting Style

How is identity affected by authoritative parenting? The impact of parenting styles on developmental outcomes, particularly in the context of identity formation, is one area of research in developmental psychology that has received attention over the years. Authoritative parenting, characterized by a balanced approach of responsiveness and demandingness, has been extensively studied for its effects on children's development.

Developmental Outcome: Identity Formation

Identity formation is an important stage in adolescent development, as posited by Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. Identity vs. Role Confusion is the major conflict of adolescence that must be resolved before development can effectively proceed to the next stage. One issue at hand is how authoritative parents impact this stage of development: does their parenting style hinder the resolution of the conflict? Does it support resolution? Does it have no impact at all? During adolescence, individuals explore various roles and ideas to develop a sense of self. The parenting style experienced during this period can significantly influence this process.

Authoritative Parenting and Identity Formation

Authoritative parenting combines high responsiveness with appropriate demands, and has been linked to positive developmental outcomes, including a well-formed sense of identity (Baumrind, 1991). This style is characterized by a warm, supportive, yet structured and rule-enforced...…Adolescents who have developed a strong sense of self are more likely to become adults who are confident, independent, and socially responsible. They are better equipped to handle adult life, make career choices, form relationships, and have a social role. This long-term effect shows the importance of parenting style in the foundational years of identity formation.


In conclusion, authoritative parenting positively influences identity formation, a key developmental outcome. The balance of responsiveness and demandingness creates an environment conducive to exploring and solidifying a sense of self. This link, supported by research such as Baumrind's, shows that parenting style does have an on…

Sources Used in Documents:


Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substanceuse. The journal of early adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.

Estlein, R. (2016). Parenting styles. Encyclopedia of family studies, 1-3.

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