Personal Statement Info: The 18th Research Proposal


Like many teenagers would, my beliefs swung radically in the other direction. While I had no intention of parting with my gemstones, because the harm done in the mining of them could not be undone, I decided to stop collecting them. I began to speak out about alternatives, and even chastised a cousin who chose diamond instead of a synthetic jewel for his fiance's engagement ring. I gave a presentation to my high school about the detriments of the jewelry industry and considered lobbying to enact stricter laws about gems and rare metal imports, so that any products would be certified fair labor and fair trade complaint. However, that attitude could not last long. The more research I did, the more ambiguous the situation became. Yes, the circumstances in mines are horrible, and I would never want anyone in my family exposed to them. However, my family does not live in poverty and despair in a country with few economic opportunities. Learning that gold miners in South...


Would it be right to deprive them of such an opportunity? I understand that the reality is that if mining became prohibitively expensive and the market could not bear increased jewelry expenses, these economic opportunities would disappear. Was I being paternalistic to assume these workers needed protection? I do not know what the answer is. I still do not feel comfortable buying new gems or metals, but I no longer make moral judgments about others that do.
My experience with gemstones contributed immensely to my personal growth in two ways. First, I understood that all of my actions have a global impact and that I need to research what I do before I do it. Second, I came to understand that not every issue has a simple solution. Sometimes the action that seems morally correct is not. I think that these two lessons will help me be a more conscientious citizen of the world.

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