Physical Geography Article Review


¶ … National Public Radio, "Scientists Debate Shading Earth As Climate Fix" talks about the importance of reengineering, a concept that has been explored at a National Academy of Sciences meeting, to potentially help halt global warming. To potentially stop global warming, climate researchers have proposed to release aerosols into the stratosphere that would cool the earth- similar to how volcanoes cool the Earth after they erupt. Though there are hesitations as to whether being able to control the environment is something that should be done in the first place. Furthermore, because this concept of geoengineering the environment is novel there are other concerns related to it including the possible initiation of drought or famine in...


Simply put, there needs to be far more research on the issue before it is able to be brought to the table as a possible option in the future for global warming.
The ideas that the article present are fascinating in that it offers a possible solution to a real and imminent problem that is facing the global community. Although, there is obviously more research to be done, if this idea of being able to release aerosols into the stratosphere is possible, it seems a bit scary. Has our society become really that complacent that it waits for technology to care for its problem instead of taking a more active role in its issues? As technology has become more advanced it seems that it has been taking care of all of the flaws in society- this geoengeneering of the environment is similar to that of designer babies. Is it ethical or right to potentially use this…

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"Physical Geography" (2011, May 19) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Physical Geography" 19 May 2011. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Physical Geography", 19 May 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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