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How Social Media Impacts Psychology Term Paper

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Question .

A. The January 6th insurrection will forever be a moment remembered throughout American history. Due in part to the influences of psychological heuristics on the behaviors of society

B. These psychological biased ultimately led to the overall insurrection on the capital resulting in large amounts of negative coverage around the world

C. This negative coverage ultimately undermined the overall credibility of democracy within America and other developed nations


A. At noon, Trump begins speaking to his supporters at a rally near the White House. Here Trump calls on Mike Pence to send the votes back to the states to undermine Bidens victory

B. Around 12:10 PM, Mike Pence announces via letter that he will not act in accordance with Trumps wishes


D. 1PM An initial wave of protestors break through the barriers at the White House.

E. 1:30PM Nancy Pelosi starts a joint session of congress

F. 1:32PM Ted Cruz, and Paul Gozar rise to question the election results

G. 1:32PM A larger mob begins to gather around the white house overwhelming the police.

H. 2:00PM Protestors break windows and look to damage areas of the white house.


J. 2:20PM Police take action to help get political officials to safety. Senators Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnel are taken to safety along with other officials.


L. 2:38PM - Rep. Peter Welch, tweets videos from a shelter within the White House. Here, police escorted most public officials to safety.


N. 3:00PM - Rioters enter the senate champers destroying furniture, fixtures, equipment and sculptures. Pictures are seen of rioters stealing mail, personal belongings, and items from public officials.


P. 4PM President Biden addressed the nation to help lower the acts of violence and maintain civility.


R. 6PM- The mayor of Washington institutes a 12-hour curfew.

Question 2

A. Main arguments are related to the large size and power large technology firms have over society to make well informed decisions

B. As curators of information, they have a responsibility to ensure that complete and accurate information is entering the public domain.

C. These companies harm democracy as they allow echo chamber and confirmation biases to exist without proper checks and balances in place. Here, these companies often appeal to the worst in human according to Cohen. Ideas that were once held by a small amount of people can quickly become mainstream, harming society.

D. Knowledge is becoming delegitimized and scientific consensus is being dismissed.

E. Solutions to his viewpoints consist of more regulation and oversight. In addition, he proposes making the companies smaller so that they dont command such higher revenue growth along with power to influence society

F. I personally believe he is correct as these organizations must have proper checks to ensure that false narratives and lies are not spread improperly throughout society.

Question 3

A. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports an individuals point of view (Perez, 2015).

B. This again is heavily aided by social media as consumers simply look for confirming evidence and often ignore or avoid disconfirming evidence.

C. This issue has become very acute considering the extreme segmentation of the media industry overall. Here, there...

…growth along with power to influence society

F. I personally believe he is correct as these organizations must have proper checks to ensure that false narratives and lies are not spread improperly throughout society.

Question 3

A. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports an individuals point of view (Perez, 2015).

B. This again is heavily aided by social media as consumers simply look for confirming evidence and often ignore or avoid disconfirming evidence.

C. This issue has become very acute considering the extreme segmentation of the media industry overall. Here, there are television stations, Facebook groups, and physical organizations specifically to meet the needs of a particular group or perspective.

D. Fox News for example, heavily caters towards a particular political affiliation. Likewise, news stations such as CNN or MSNBC also cater, or lean towards a particular political group. This, in the long run can be counterproductive and often undermines debate based on information.

E. Instead, consumers simply tune into stations that align with their interests and rarely view those that do not. When presented with information counter to their opinion, confirmation biases inevitable prevents the individuals from leveraging this information properly. As a result, the echo chambers of misinformation often take precedence over the need for thorough and complete due diligence.

F. Confirmation bias is relied upon only if it confirms a previously held truth

G. To avoid confirmation bias, individuals should seek disconfirming evidence that ultimately challenges their previously held beliefs

H. I learned that all humans are subject to heuristics and…

Sources used in this document:


1. Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353–359.

2. Callanan, V. J. (2012). Media Consumption, Perceptions of Crime Risk and Fear of Crime: Examining Race/Ethnic Differences. Sociological Perspectives, 55(1), 93–115. Carlile, L. (2011). Development online: making the most of social media. International Institute for Environment and Development., J. (2017). Commanding the Trend: Social Media as Information Warfare. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 11(4), 50–85. Koslowski, B., & Maqueda, M. (1993). What Is Confirmation Bias and When Do People Actually Have It? Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 39(1), 104–130. Park, J., Konana, P., Gu, B., Kumar, A., & Raghunathan, R. (2013). Information Valuation and Confirmation Bias in Virtual Communities: Evidence from Stock Message Boards. Information Systems Research, 24(4), 1050–1067. Perez, J. R. P. (2015). Confronting the Forensic Confirmation Bias. Yale Law & Policy Review, 33(2), 457–473. Roese, V. (2018). You won’t believe how co-dependent they are: Or: Media hype and the interaction of news media, social media, and the user. In P. Vasterman (Ed.), From Media Hype to Twitter Storm (pp. 313–332). Amsterdam University Press.

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